RPG Other Games Calendar Main Journal

Eight Skilled Gentlemen

Dangerous Journeys

Player Perspective

After slaying the evil creatures and laying the guardian to rest, the stalwart band was unsure what to do next. Luckily, Fong recalled that the instructions given Hansu were to "go to the shrine and trust in the ghost of the mountain."

He explained this to Mirumoto Long while Hansu apologized for his failing. As punishment, Hansu was forced to take Fong Fa Hong over to the mountain to see if they could find the ghost. As luck would have it they found the ghost and he was willing to help. It turned out the ghost was actually a sword who controlled a village of monkeys who kept strangers off the mountain. Their real goal was to protect a vault near the top of the mountain, but they were happy to offer their aid to House Song. Hansu returned to tell Mirumoto Long while Fong Fa Hong waited.

Meanwhile, The Other Monk* ran into someone who offered him Sweeping Li's job. He accepted and became the spymaster for House Song. He quickly headed for the Shrine and arrived in time to join Mirumoto Long and his men as they went to leave the baby and some guards, including Maya the handmaiden and the house gardener, with the ghost.

The others quickly travelled to Tai Mien where Hansu's cousin arranged for them to enter the holy city in secret. They were greeted cordially by the Brown Temple and were given a room for the night while Song Kami completed her vigil. In the morning she was told, for the first time, what had happened to her family. She met with Mirumoto Long then took some time to think things over.

While she was debating, the Violet Rider of House Yung arrived with two of his entourage. Hansu was, with The Haughty Noble's* permission, less than cordial to him. He and his men were denied access by the priests of the Brown Temple and they elected to wait for her initiation when she would have to show herself.

The day progressed and at lunch, The Other Monk* was asked to help prepare the meal. When he got to the kitchen he found Song Kami waiting for him in peasant robes. She had decided to forego the priesthood and become regent. While she and her spymaster worked out the details, Fong Fa Hong, completely forgetting his place, began lecturing Mirumoto Long on how he should advise Song Kami. Hansu heard the noise and wondered that Mirumoto Long let Fong Fa Hong live.

Eventually, the spymaster released a messenger bird to tell the ghost that the Fellowship of Song would be returning but they would be deep in the forbidden zone and in need of his guardianship. The bird was nearly killed by a Yung archer as it left the temple.

As the time approached the rider became more frustrated and eventually decided to go find Song Kami. He may have been tipped that something was up when one of the priests brought Mirumoto Long a note and handed it to him, but no one knows for sure.

While The Other Monk* worked to open the gate, the Rider and his men tried to burst into the room. Hansu blocked the doors with a couch and the gate opened while some of the men were hacking at the thatch roof of the temple.

Mirumoto Long went through the gate, followed by Song Kami, Fong Fa Hong, and The Other Monk*. Hansu tried to keep the Yung from entering the gate and waited until the last minute. None passed the gate, but a Yung sorceror cast a spell on those who had made it through.

All save Hansu had their shadows ripped from them, then sent back as deadly assassins. They narrowly killed them thanks in large part to The Yellow Priest's* power to turn spirits.

Even as their battle raged, they could hear the sounds of combat somewhere in the distance. Seconds after they killed the last shadow, the ghost appeared and led them through a magnificent treasure vault to safety.


Mirumoto Long6090
Virtue 4 (37)
Wuxia 3 (36)
Honor 5 (39)
The Other Monk*5030
Virtue 3 (33)
Wuxia 3 (33)
Honor 5 (35)
The Prince of Birds*7470Migrating?
Virtue (34)
Wuxia (33)
Honor (32)
Fong Fa Hong5700
Virtue 3 (36)
Wuxia 2 (34)
Honor 5 (38)
Virtue 4 (43)
Wuxia 3 (37)
Honor 5 (38)
Participation by roleplaying and background, Hansu is much higher for this night secondary to written charater background and NPC contacts.

Actions and roleplaying that play to the setting.

Overall achievment for the night, killing stuff and meeting goals. Mike is always going to end up with a lower honor number because of his advancement being one level higher.

* Don't like your name? Fill out a character description...

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