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Eight Skilled Gentlemen

Dungeon Crawl


How will I ever get done the things I need done with that damnable Long around all the time?
I don't know Shing.
It was a rhetorical question Toru, the sort of thing no one expects you to...

Yes! That's it!

Player Perspective

Word reached Mirumoto that Shing had attempted to claim the spirit cage from the White Temple. Rather than risk further problems, Mirumoto determined that he and his men would take the cage to the main temple in the mountainous north.

While they were gone, Toru, one of Shing's allies, approached The Prince of Sparrows* with a proposal. He had come into knowledge of an ancient stronghold of Acu's but needed wizards to help him explore it. He did not want to involve Shing, but asked instead for help from the party.

The Prince of Sparrows* agreed to discuss things with Toru once the business at the White Temple was complete and informed Mirumoto of Toru's request. Mirumoto was suspicious, but eventually it was agreed that he and his men would accompany Toru on their investigation.

At the White Temple, both Mirumoto Long and Hansu sought the counsel of Rhodan. Long's meeting was short, but Hansu's was much longer. Neither shared what they learned, but when the meeting was over, Hansu gave the Pig Talisman to The Other Monk* as he did not feel he was worthy to carry such a thing.

Toru also brought Miro-Sung, a small, quick man who was skilled with tools and keen of sight. Toru claimed to have worked with him before and said he was skilled at finding and disarming traps such as those rumored to be at the tomb. Mirumoto did not trust him, but agreed that he could join.

The ancient stronghold was found and Hansu dug open the door, then Miru-Sung produced an odd key which seemed to suck the door into itself. The missing door revealed a dust-clogged staircase. After some debate, the group entered.

They were beset by some snake-headed skeletons but the battle was not long, for they had the might of Mirumoto on their side. They slew other monsters as they found them, but opted to leave a single room, containing an 18' polished bronze mirror unscathed. They explored further, finally coming to a room with an odd red glow.

Entering the room, a huge snake-like demon appeared and immediately attacked. The fight was difficult, even for Mirumoto, but with luck, they were able to prevail.

**** A break was called for the night ******


Mirumoto Long24,086
Virtue 4 (58)Paranoia and arrogance
Wuxia 5 (55)Flying about at every opportunity
Honor 4 (69)Expedition so far.
The Other Monk*23,986
Virtue 5 (57)Dealing with feeling of inadequacy.
Wuxia 3 (53)use of staff, smashing things.
Honor 4 (69)Expedition so far.
The Prince of Birds*20,1251 chip
Virtue 4 (48)Dealing with White Temple monk and Toru first.
Wuxia 4 (48)studying shape shifter school.
Honor 4 (58)Expedition so far.
Fong Fa Hong18,120
Virtue 4 (49)Background development.
Wuxia 3 (47) using spirit vision.
Honor 4 (57)Expedition so far..
Miro-Sung15,3002 chips
Virtue 2 (42)Making friends and influent people.
Wuxia 3 (43)Dragging sack to detect invisible footprints, tomb raiding.
Honor 4 (44)Expedition so far.
Virtue 5 (68)Giving up talisman, keeping mouth shut.
Wuxia 4 (59)Smashing Doors.
Honor 8 (76)Expedition so far, writing up sins.

At this time tom and Mike are trailing 2 level behind every body else, Mike is pretty much always going to trial at least one level behind and its not of balance for players who missed games to trail one behind, but that still leaves tom 2 down. Do the players want me to do something to boost tom up, or come up with a better ratio for spending chip for EXPs then 1 for 1% of whats needed for next level so that the party can buy Tom or mike up.

Participation by role-playing to the setting and involving your background. Each point is based on 1% of what you need for your next level.

Actions and role-playing that play to the setting. IE jumping around shouting about your honor and cutting up things in bamboo groves. Each point is based on 1% of what you need for your next level.

Overall achievement for the night, killing stuff and meeting goals. Mike is always going to end up with a lower honor number because of his advancement being one level higher. The Honor level is based on overall difficulty of achieving goals for the night, this number is awarded to each character instead of being divided.


2 intact focusing lenses worth 30 GP each.
8 remnant of focusing lens holders worth 3 GP each
Mobile of 6 square gongs the center of which is a prism cut gem worth 380 GP
A jade figurine of the goddess Kwan (magical)

* Don't like your name? Fill out a character description...

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