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A Wizard Out of Place

Down Time Chapter

The Battle of Bykin is over and the forces of Good and Law have won. The battle gave a major boost to those loyal to the throne of Bistal With the death of Selcor, the other barons and most of their men the people of Bistal start to rebuild their lives again. But it isn't long before bad news finds its way to Bykin. Numerous people have started moving north from the southern baronies of Bistal. It seems that the consequences of Selcor's actions are about to be felt.

The ogre forces have moved into the southern areas of Bistal, moving the border back almost 30 miles in along the entire border. While they are no longer moving forward, they are moving to foritify their new position quickly, knowing that Bistal is in now shape to start a drawn out battle with them. Aiding them are those who are still loyal to the ways of Selcor and the other barons. While their forces have been greatly damaged, they are still going strong looking for more men to fight in their army.

Meanwhile, Prince Gremoore has recovered nicely and taken charge of Bistal. After the battle, the Bistallian army only measured at roughly 4,000 men, making it hard for the Prince to stop the advances and building of the ogre forces in the south. Cutting his loses, Gremoore has made due with what hs has to work with. Redrawing the border between Bistal and Svykur, Gremoore works on rebuilding the kingdom and ending the war in Bistal as soon as he can.

The first order of business was to send Jykin to the dungeons for his treason, and then name Baron Bagren as his advisor. Next was to meet with the nobles, giving them each areas of the kingdom to watch over until permenant arrangements can be made, followed by a major recruiting drive to build the army up. While this was happening General Tilmoran and Captian Hybar moved their men south preparing for the ogres and the rebels.

The Prince seems to have things under control from what everyone in the party can see. All his decisions have been fair and just, and he seems to have a good heart and mind about him. However, to Olown dismay the Prince and the Princess are spending a lot of time together and it also seems that the Princess helping greatly in the decision making process. There are whispers that the two will marry soon, joining the Royal Families of Bistal and Hykria.

After about a week of high spirits, the morale starts to drop again, as raids start and fighing on the sourthern border starts to pick up again. While the ogres aren't advancing the line during their fights, they are attacking the Bistalian forces along the line. It's about this time that Shane Lee returns to Bykin with about 300 of this Brethern monks from the Temple of Light. Even though the number is small, the sight of the monks starts to raise the morale once again. There is even a bigger boost when Solvay and Morduke return and Solvay announces that Perreth will be sending a garrison of over a 1,000 men to aid Bistal in their war, along with supplies and some money to help the Royal Family rebuild.

Shortly after the return of Morduke, Solvay and Shane, everyone was enjoying a relaxing morning when the castle is attacked. Explosions start going off all around the towers of the main gate. When the group gets to the top of the wall over the gate they see a lone man, a wizard, who is continuing to cast spell after spell at the castle walls. Archers start to fire their bows at the wizard, the arrows just bounce off him as they hit, and it's not soon before you see some of the archers drop, as this wizard just points at them. As he does all this you can hear him speaking.

"Come out, come out where ever you are. Oh...Nadimus.....where are you?" his tone is childish and taunting, but then it changes to angery and demanding "COME ON OUT YOU OLD FOOL!!! What's the matter? Afraid to face a real wizard? Afraid to taste what true power is?"

As you get ready to react you hear in your head "Stay where you are." Nadimus's voice whispers.

"Are you down shouting, Snort? I mean really it's just so uncalled for. If you just ask nicely, you'll get better results." Nadimus steps out of nowhere about 200 feet behind the wizard.

Snort just stops and smiles to himself, you can see the electricity spark between his finger tips.

"So there you are old man." is all he says as he spins and ray of enegry shoots from his hand at Nadimus. Nadimus quickly waves his hand in the air and the ray hits an invisible force field.

"Yes, here I am Snort. Now my turn for questions. What are you doing here, Snort? You know you're not supposed to be here, you're out of place." Nadimus steadies himself for an attack and Snort just laughs loudly at him.

"You know exactly why I'm here, you worthless fool. I'm here to find myself, and I can sense that I'm close...very close. But when I found out you were here, I just had to take a little break and have some fun." with that he mutters something and haves his staff at Nadimus.

Nadimus seems a bit shocked to hear that Snort was looking for himself, so much so that Snorts attack caught him off guard and he's sent flying backwards as a burst of energy goes off in front of him. Nadimus stands up, and as he does you can see the wind start to whip around him, the symbols on his rodes start to light up in chaotic patterns and theres a flash of electricity in his eyes, as he screams as casts a spell back at Snort.

You watch for what seems like hours as Nadimus and Snort exchange spell and spell at each other. You are amazed that even though so much power is being thrown back and forth, each man looks almost unharmed. Toglard and Olown are sure they are seeing magiks they have never even heard of being used in this fight. After about ten minutes into the fight, Snort seems to have the upper hand. It is clear that both men are very powerful, but Snort seems to have just a little more power then Nadimus, however Nadimus seems to have more control and thought in his actions then Snort does. Snort continues to hit Nadimus with spell after spell, and it is clear that Nadimus won't last much longer unless he makes a move soon.

Suddenly, four arrows quickly land in Snorts body one after the other. As the fifth one flies towards it's target, it's disentigrated out of the sky. By the time it all catches up to your brain and you look, you can see KierMan as a sixth arrow noched and aimed, ready to fire.

"YOU!!!" is all that Snort cries when he sees KierMan on the wall of the castle.

"I suggest that you go back where you came from, Snort. I'm not your companion here and there's nothing stopping me from killing you. However, because I was once your companion I will give you a chance." KierMan shouts down at Snort.

"HAH! What makes you think I'm afraid of  you? You just some elf with a bow! One snap of my finger and you'll be dead on the floor." Snort shouts back in a rather egotisical manner.

KierMan lets the arrow fly and as it gets close to Snort, it explodes sending a bolt of lightning straight at Snort, knocking him back almost 20 feet. KierMan already has anothe arrow drawn, raised and aimed.

"Because here, I am more then you know. Now you are not supposed to be here, leave this place now and never return. For the next time I see you, I will have an arrow with your name on it."

"Here let me help you with your exit Snort" Nadimus yells from behind him. Snort turns around in time to see Nadimus's staff hit him squarly in the chest sending him flying backwards yet again, however, this time a black portal opens up and Snort flies into it. As he does you can her him laughing madly and yelling something about how he'll be back.

Nadimus makes his way back to the group and when he gets there he just looks at KierMan with annoyance.

"I did not ask for your help, in case you did not notice" Nadimus snaps at him. KierMan just looks at him

"I wasn't helping you." and then walks away.



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