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Suck it up

Midsmer 16

I am in receipt of your many letters. If only you would write women as often, perhaps you could find one. Then again, with your constant whining, perhaps Cutter is more what you're looking for...
I've recently heard of your exploits here at home from other sources. You had best be careful. There are those who suspect you of membership in the Fist. Still others whisper of infernal pacts and other dark secrets. If only they knew your only dark secret was how much time you saved by neither bathing nor cleaning your clothes.
I've included a new item made by an artificer here, he calls it the 'far sketcher'. His plan was to use it to sketch people and send the images far and wide. So far it's not working (the thing works, just no one needs it). Now he's trying to pass it off as a faster way to mail people. He gave me it free just so he could brag that Toglard the Terrible uses one.
Your Brother

PS: You had best be careful - I'm sure you prefer the Terrible over the Toad, but neither is a good nickname.
PSS: Those Fist rumors are true. You should try to tone down your destruction or at least your bragging.

Midsmer 9
Dear Toglard

If only you could remember who it was who taught you to read and write, perhaps you'd lose some of that arrogance when addressing your betters. I'm sorry to hear that you've been forced to put your skills to some use other than boasting at taverns and picking on people who don't like you (which, come to think of it, is most everyone). Perhaps when you become rich and famous you'll be able to hire someone to remind you to bathe, shower and change your robe. Until then, try not to get into too many worthless fights and please, please, please curb your tongue lest you make our poor dear father die of apoplexy.
On second thought,

Penrath II
PS: Bathe, shower and change your robe. I'm certain the other Bravos will appreciate it.
PSS: Another of your stupid gambit openings? Will you never learn? KP-K3

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