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Societies: War College

Summary: The wizards of the college of War study how best to use their magic in the advancement of their armies.
Estimated Membership: Approximately 200, mostly Ambroetians.
Leader: Haval the Corpulent (W12/F3) bears the title Magister General
Headquarters: Ambroe Isles, City of Calais
Type of Society: Informational

Public Purpose:

The college exists primarily to teach magicians how best to use their skills in war. They also study and create spells to use as both artillery and to enhance entire units of soliders.

Membership Requirements:

Must be a wizard with access to Invocation and at least one metamagic feat.


In addition to their regular membership (mostly wizards of 5th to 10th level, the college also has two kinds of affiliate members. Adjunct members are wizards who do not otherwise qualify but who have useful talents, including artificers. Associate members are leaders of troops who believe n the use of magic and have had special training from the college on integrating wizards into their forces.


The College has several special interest groups and a number of Mage Captains in specific areas. The group is led primarily by researchers and few of those at the top have recent battle experience..

Social Benefits:

Characters are well-received by their fellows, provided they don't seem too bloodthirsty. They are usually able to secure work as military advisers pretty easily and are often considered too valuable to actually send to war..

Game Benefits:

Wizards gain access to a number of unique spells and feats related to the use of magic in military operations.


In certain circles the College has a bad reputation for being overly optimistic about magic and undervaluing the use of actual soldiers. Members of the Brotherhood of Steel often find them particularly annoying and useless..

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