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Societies and Organizations

Aredel can be a very dangerous place. Sometimes the only way to get ahead is to have friends. Sometimes having friends is the only way to stay alive. These are clubs, societies and groups which operate in Aredel. Some are focused on a class, race, country, group or whatever. Some are professional, others are more social. Some are good, some are evil and some are good or evil depending on who you ask...

The Crescent
A relatively new order of mostly Arcane Archers. They take their name from the shape of the bow and from the symbol of their patron godess (probably some foresty-archery-moon chick). Their leader is Zamval, a skilled warrior and magician. They appear to be trying to preserve order and to uphold the rights of the people. They have not been seen nor heard from since the attacks. They are known to be sympathetic to the cause of Druids and Rangers.

Adepts of Nim
The adepts believe that the best use of spells is to enhance the abilities of man. They also work hard to enhance their abilities on their own. They draw a fair number of monks and sorcerors, somewhat fewer true magicians. Their goal appears to be the sharing of knowledge more than any political agenda.

War College
The wizards of the college of War study how best to use their magic in the advancement of their armies.

Fiery Fist
Members of the Fist are dedicated to cleansing the world of evil through the judicious application of magical flame.

Order of the White Rose
The Order of the White Rose works openly to promote peace among the kingdoms by helping with negotiations and working to keep the peace.

Brotherhood of Steel
The Brotherhood is a mercenary group dedicated to promoting the cause of mercenaries everywhere. Most mercenaries are unwitting though not unwilling members, but leaders of mercenary bands are almost always active.

Shattered Chains
The Shattered Chains is a small group dedicated to setting all the Minavian slaves free. Their work is hampered by the contentment of the average slave with his lot in life.

Loyal Order of Ravens
The Loyal Order of Ravens is devoted to the worship of Ptan and the carrying out of elaborate practical jokes (perhaps even in that order).

Fool's Wisdom
A rather famous (or perhaps infamous) school of illusion located in the capital city and with several branch campuses.

Knights of Gri
Once a proud military order, the Knights are more men of intellect than action.

The Network
The Network is the name given to the alleged spyring of Raxaba and the Mykylleen. Its existence is officially denied.

Free Our Republic
The FOR works primarily as a political group trying to elect candidates friendly to their cause. They believe that the senate is controlled by a handful of puppetmasters who use their influence to have things done their way

Seventh Sea
Seventh Sea is a guild of explorers who believe there is a mystical Seventh Sea which leads to the heavens and to treasures beyond imagining. They often sponsor expecditions to distant locales

Sea Guild
The guild exists to promote peaceful existence on the sea between both Paruvian ships and those of other nations

The Lightbringers
The Lightbringers seeks to bring knowledge and wisdom to all. In some ways, they are like the Adepts only for knowledge.

Gramlock's Hammers
The Hammers are a well-known unit of mercenary shock troops.

Siren's Call
Allegedly an all female group of assassins for hire.

The Warpigs are a mercenary band known for their hardiness and toughness in battle.

Way of the Bear
This animal order can be traced to the Timor Plains. They look to the bear for guidance in their life and for lessons in behavior and tactics.

Way of the Otter
This animal order can be traced to the Timor Plains. They look to the otter for guidance in their life and for lessons in behavior and tactics.

Way of the Boar
This animal order can be traced to the Timor Plains. They look to the boar for guidance in their life and for lessons in behavior and tactics.

Way of the Fox
This animal order can be traced to the Timor Plains. They look to the fox for guidance in their life and for lessons in behavior and tactics.

Way of the Owl
This animal order can be traced to the Timor Plains. They look to the owl for guidance in their life and for lessons in behavior and tactics.

Way of the Gazelle
This animal order can be traced to the Timor Plains. They look to the gazelle for guidance in their life and for lessons in behavior and tactics.

Ashen Guild
The Ashen Guild is a coalition of necromancers dedicated to making necromancy a more acceptable path of magic.

Minstrels of Mayhem
The Minstrels believe there is too much order in the world. They seek to use their unique skills to deflate stuffed shirts and otherwise sow a healthy disrespect for sacred cows of all kinds.
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