RPG Other Games Calendar Main Journal


Societies: Warpigs

Summary: The Warpigs are a mercenary band known for their hardiness and toughness in battle.
Estimated Membership: About 50
Leader: Pergine Flasbinder
Headquarters: Nomadic
Type of Society: Mercenary

Public Purpose:

The Warpigs are out to make money and cause mayhem, sometimes in that order.

Membership Requirements:

Must have base attack bonus of 4 or better, must be a social outcast of some sort..


Most are deformed humans but a few other races are represented as well. They wear full armor to hide their deformities as much as possible.


Mercenary Band.

Social Benefits:

Being a Warpig makes you an outcast too. No one really likes them, they only tolerate them if they are on their side..

Game Benefits:

Many of the Warpig's are lycanthropes (mostly wereboars) and they are willing and able to infect others.


Disliked by most civilized humans..

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