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Lord: I feel REALLY good today!

Underling: Yesss!

Lord: Rally the troops

Underling: But my lord..the Spider will not like that!

Lord: The Spider may not like many things, but you have already said too much.

(Lighting Bolt...)

Adventure Summary

Having recovered the Rod of Crystalline, the group decides to investingate the magically locked door in the armory before heading back to the Rosonian Garrison Commander. After confirming the magical trap, Heidrek dispels it, and Alexandros "knocks" the door. Inside is a smaller armory with several exceptional weapons, a dozen high quality long swords, half a dozen magic arrows, a magic shield, magic Leather armor and a silver long sword. The group also finds a sack of 250 gp.

Taking the booty, the Group heads back to the village of Northfair. There after breifly consulting with Heiro the Druid, they decide that their news is urgent and head back to ProudGlaive, captial of Rosesone. A dwarf, Pierre, having been in the area hearing of gnoll and ogre attacks, joins the group.

About a day and half out, half way to the captial, the group is set upon by bandits in the middle of the night. The invisible bandit leader, holds a blade to the throat of Alexandros, and asks the group for their valuables. Some spells from Heidrek and later Alexandros combined with the fighting prowess of the group several bandits are killed, including the leader, but a dozen are captured, having been held fast by the will of Erik. As group takes the bandits to the town of Crossroads where they are to be turned over to the local Constable, one of the bandits escapes his bonds. He, er it, quickly knocks Menzak from his mount and suddendly Menzak is fighting himself. The Doppleganger is no match for the Menzak and MageBane and is quickly killed as the rest of the group rushes to help.

Once in Proudglaive, the group is granted an audience with the Baroness of Roesone, Marlae Roesone and her adviser, Master Thaddeus. The group is introduced as the company of Lord Ludwig and Lord Fox. The group tells the Baroness their tale of the Rod, with some colorful addtions from the Rod itself, and of freeing some evil spirit, Nalcauzese. Master Thaddeus quickly recognizes his former student Alexandros and chides him for impersonating a Lord. Master Taddeus, decides to make Alexandros an adviser to Roesone, thus sparing him the penalty of impersonating a Noble. There is a lengthy discussion of where and when this Nalcauzese would show. Alexandros, Ludwig, Menzak (with the "Chunk"), head to the Royal library to do further research on the Matter. It is determined that the spirit will seek out a Wizard of considerable power and influence, for history has shown that several hundred years ago Nalcauzese was skilled in war,politics and was throughly evil and cunning and now believe to be some sort of Awnshegh! It is deduced by Master Thaddeus and the group that either Oserode or Ghoere would be good spots for a "coup" by Nalcauzese. Who would then likely begin invading and consolidating his power.

Heidrek and the newcomer, Pierre head to the training grounds to learn the art of shield fighting. Lords Ludwig and Alexandros, confer with Thaddeus and offer some exotic ingredients (Gargoyle horn, green slime) in exchange for some new spells.

Based on Royal suggestion, the group makes plans to head to the Spiderfell with reports that a recon patrol has disappeared! However, it seems that the once immenient invasion is no longer a threat. The party is charged with determining the threat and recommending to the Baroness whether the Garrison should stay or if the local militia is enough to keep the border secure.


Ludwig: Hey Rayad what are you doing here? You're supposed to be guarding the horses!?

Pierre: I think I have had enough but your friend was most generous.

Menzak: (about Alexandros) He's too lazy to wait for his change.

Lord Fox: I could use a body guard

Pierre: Looks like you have plenty

Menzak: (Choking sound)

Ludwig: If we get enough people with us, Rayad will go mad trying to do everything they're doing

Ludwig: Well, you can ride double with my seneschal (Haddath)

Pierre: I'd rather do it myself thanks.

DM: MageBane still has hidden powers.

Menzak: Lord Fox's Bane

Alexandros: I sure as fuck ain't identifying anything for him

Bandit Leader: I hear one syllable that ain't common and you die!

Pierre: Asshole is pretty common

Bandits: It's some kind of sorcery!

Ludwig: You knew you were robbing a wizard when you started. And its not sorcery its miracles (referring to the entangle)

Pierre: (To Rod): I love you Chunk!

Steve: Pretty brave to put the folding chair on two legs..

Mick: I do it all the time. This is a folding chair?

Lou: English Patient was pretty good.

Steve: (Threatening with bottle) What!? IT SUCKED!

Lou: Well I thought it was good.

Mark: He's under suspicion

Heidrek: I make sure not to get a room with Menzak..he's under suspicion.

DM: Have you told the Duke of Fairfield?

Alexandros: Fuck him

DM & Menzak: Now he's under suspicion

Pierre: Perhaps I could interest you in a bruise.

Ludwig: I can't believe everyone is listening to a silicon lollipop!

Lou: That's what he gets for taking a dramatic piss.

Steve: I thinks its going to be more of a traumatic piss.

Thaddeus: Bring the Crystal entity.

Rod: I'm not letting him carry me!

Heidrek: Silence Chunk! I'll have to bring him.

Heidrek: We owe it all to Lord Fox, er, Alexandors (whispered Sorry your lordship)

Thaddeus: How have your studies progressed?

Alexandros: Very Well

Heidrek: Just yesterday, he magic missiled a man in the back..

Pierre: Wanna wrassle?

Ludwig: Now he's under suspicion

Pierre: You're too fragile human!

Alexandros: Now he's really under suspicion

Ludwig: Great it telepathically scans Menzak. "Well you're not under suspicion anymore?"

Ludwig: Unfortunately, since he's evil, he is, by definition stupid.


+2 Leather (Heidrek)
6 Magic (unidentified) Arrows, Long Bow (Menzak)
Ring of Invisibility (From Last Time, claimed by Haddath)
2 Potions of Healing (From Last Time - Unclaimed)
1 Potion of Heroism (From Last Time - Unclaimed)
+1 Shield, Medium (Unclaimed)

Other Notes

Menzak's Chain Mail reduced to +1 (Damaged by Grey Ooze)


Group Experience

Monsters, Good Cooperation, RolePlaying + 3,500


Player Bonuses Total
Alexandros RolePlaying: +1000
Previous Adventure: +4500
Haddath Did not play 22,450
Heidrek Good Spells: +500
RolePlaying: +1,000
Ludwig Good Spells: +500 Total: Ftr: 11,900
Mage: 14,200
Menzak 26,850
Pierre Good roleplaying 14,500
Rayad Did not play 24,475
William Survival Adjustment +8,000 14,050

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