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Subtle as a Brick



Lord: The have killed C'nole!

Adviser: They are more powerful than we thought..

Lord: A mistake you won't get the chance to repeat..

(Jet of Flame)

Adventure Summary

The party enjoys the food and drink of Ghoerien Court. The Baron of Ghoere receives the Roesone dispatches from the Party and receives a brief update from Ludwig the ambassador. There is a discussion on whether the group would be best used by returning to the Spiderfell or addressing the new evil of the temple in the swamp. The Baron, decides he must consult with his advisors to decide.

Several members of the group decide to frequent local watering holes to see if they can pick up any unoffical goings on, progress on the war with the Spider. It doesn't take long before members of the ever-friendly Ghoerien Iron Guard, invite Rayad to a little mono et mono. Rayad's ego, writing checks his body can't cash is easily beaten by the Iron Guard Soldier. However, the groups make it up to each other with generous portions of ale. The group does discover that the War is going well, but has been very costly for both sides. Some solider's fear the Spider itself my soon enter the conflict.

The Baron and Ludwig decides that the group would be better off, heading back to the Swamp temple and dealing with the evil there. The group makes preparations to head out in the morning.


None recorded




Group Experience

Monsters, Good Cooperation, RolePlaying + 8,000 each


Player Bonuses Total
Alexandros Did not play 18,550
Haddath 70,000
Heidrek 90,575
Ludwig Total: Ftr: 36,475
Mage: 38,775
Menzak 75,900
Pierre Did not play 14,500
Rayad 75,525
William Did Not Play 50,700

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