The Kingdoms

Ambroe Isle
Svykur, the Ogre Kingdom
Iron Shores, the home of the Great Dwarves.
The Great Wasteland
Kryll, the Great Kingdom
Lylival, The Elven Kingdom
Timor Plains

The Kingdoms of Aredel

The charted world of Aredel is roughly over 50% water, and the rest land. While the land is mostly light forest and plains. Vast mountain ranges, seas, rivers run through it. In the middle of Aredel lies The Great Wasteland, which was once Miratyl the Elven Kingdom of the Great Forest. After the First War it was left barren and dead.

Aredel has 18 Kingdoms, and each kingdom broken up in to baronies. Due to this stucture, human kings have ruled over elves and dwarves, and so forth. Not all the baronies are on friendly terms with each other but they swear loyalty to the King/Emporor of their kingdom. There are those baronies of humaniods, such as orcs, that don't follow the King but exist in his kingdom.

Each kingdom has a patron God. A patron God is the god the ruler worships. While everyone is free to wroship their own god, they always pay homage and worship to the paton God as well. However, the kingdom strongly backs the teachings of the parton god. So generations could have different beliefs depending on the kings, or if a parton god is followed by all the kings the kingdom would be blessed by gifts of that god.

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