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Bad Beans
May 10, 1873

Adventure Summary

The members of the posse, given no new assignment by Winchester or anyone else, pursues some of their own goals. Skeeter heads to some of the nearby towns searching for the Mexican what shot his pa; Colin catches up on some of his reports and gets a new Ranger bible. John attempts to take some travellers for all their money and Ken and Ramon tend to their assigned duties in town.

Emerson calls in Ken and Ramon and gives them a new assignment. A couple of cowhands are filing a claim and the town law dictates that the deputies have to check it out first. The two of them are sent to accompany the ranchers and validate their claim. It's just over a day's ride, so they don't bother the rest of the posse. The ride out is pretty uneventful and the two would-be ranchers actually seem like decent folk.

John's gambling goes pretty well until he comes up against a Mexican gunslinger. The greaser beats him a couple of hands and John notices that he's cheating. An argument ensues, but eventually dissolves when the Mexican hears that Skeeter might be coming to town. Skeeter is heading back after coming up empty-handed at a couple of nearby towns. Colin gets his new bible and also gets a report on two guys who stole some Indian artifacts from a museum in Texas.

After some discussion, the group (Colin, John, Skeeter, and the Professor) decide to try and catch up with Ramon and Ken. They are afraid the two guys they're with are actually the thieves. They saddle up in the professor's steamwagon and are soon in hot pursuit.

They catch up with them and make their essentially baseless accusations. The two deny any knowledge of the robbery. As the interrogation continues, four dead Indians come up from the ravine. They are dispatched quickly. The dead Indians, and the speed with which the posse handled them, put the theives in a more talkative mood and the artifacts are quickly recovered.

Among the items is a painted skin similar to the ones Winchester has. The posse argues about whether to show the skin to Emerson or not and no decision is made; the two villains are tossed in jail pending a trip back to Texas.


(Tim spends his last chip.)
GM: Maybe you'd better stick near Ramon
Tim: I'll just rely on my role-playing to get me more chips
Mike: You're doomed.

GM: About the third hand you outbluffed him. He looks angry.
Steve (As the Mexican gunslinger): No man is a bigger liar than my senor!

Dave: That's $35 of my money
Steve: Not really; no more than $17.50 of a $35.00 pot can be yours
Dave: No, it's all my money. When a man walks in with $100, I expect him to shuffle it a bit, then I can walk home with it.

Joe: Oh no, it blew off half my mustache! (Falls to one side off-balance)

Steve (Singing):I asked the Sheriff... I said “Where the Hell’s you’re deputy”

Skeeter: Damn! You gotta build these things for people with a wider butt than yours. (muttered): Skinny little German man!

Ramon: Excuse me senors, but the Ranger says you two are under arrest.
Mike (one of the ranchers): We was just cookin' dinner!
Professor: Those beans are a crime!

John (Picking up a shotgun): I hear one of these can cut a man in half.
Tim: I take two steps back - I've seen him shoot.

Dave: I try some intimidation - Mike's been too nice with this bible-thumping crap.

Henry (The other rancher):What in the Lord's name is that?
Ramon: Looks like a dead Indian to me Senor.
Skeeter: And I thought that was the best kind!

John: Who would doubt the word of a Ranger?
Ramon: Anyone who had met one.


Still have to decide what to do with the skins.
The artifacts may have attracted dead Indians
Mike and Henry were working for Stone and are deathly afraid of him.

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