Riders on the Storm Main Page

Politics as Usual

Mayor Emerson Winchester
A dapper cattle rancher who is never seen without his two bodyguards
Deputy Mayor Benjarman Sawyer.

Law Enforcement

County Judge Daniel McKefee
County Marshall Butch Stevens
Sheriff John Gray
Deputy Bubba Johnson
Deputy Jack Sloan

Prominent Business

Emerson Cattle
The largest cattle operation in Nevada
Winchester Rails
Sawyer Livery
Black Raven Hotel
The Eatery
Winslow Law
Old Horse Inn
Silver Saddle Inn
Law Offices of Drake & Brown
Crabby Joe's Saloon
The Jewelry Shop
G.H. Smith, Guns & Stuff
The Iron Skillet


Emma May Smith
Widow owner of the Iron Skillet bed and breakfast.
Mr. Pierce
General Store Owner.
Sam Whiterspoon
Town Barber
Toby Crats
Local kid who works at the General Store.
Old Henry
Cattle Rancher outside of the town proper
Jack Stern
Editor, The Gulch Gazzette
David Winslow Sr.
Emerson Cattle's Lawyer
David Winslow Jr.
Sawyer Livery's Lawyer
Sylvia Esmyer
Black Raven Hotel owner
"Crabby" Joe
Owner, Crabby Joe's Saloon
Max Baker
Silver Saddle owner
Sharon Bukley
School Teacher
Father Marcus Leoni
Local preacher
Father William Maldoon
Head Priest of the Church
Doc. Hank Avery
Town Doctor
Alexander Wescott
Bank Owner
"Sledge" McMasters
Blacksmith/Livery Owner
Sara Jones
Jewelry Shop Owner
Miss Julie
Owner, Miss Julie's
G.H. Smith
Owner G.H. Smith, Guns & Stuff
Matthew Drake & Darren Brown
Owners, Law Offices of Drake & Brown
Thomas Brownstone
Tax Collector
Micheal Blackburn
Record/Deed Keeper
Sameul Wilcox
Owner, The Eatery
Bart "Wires" Boston
Telegraph Office Owner
Rattler Joe
Emerson's bodyguard
Jack Black
Benjahman's bodyguard

Vagrants, Ne'er Do-wells and other Players

Utah Jack
Famous gunfighter and dime novel star.
Mortimer Bracle
Writer, Utah Jack dime novels.
Running Bear
Gun fighter
Gun fighter
English Joe
Gambler/Gun fighter
Wandering Bear
Famous Sioux Shaman

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