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Winter's Harvest

Flaky's Revenge


At the Caer Doc Tor
-and then this scruffy fop shot me in the shoulder with a arrow, he almost killed me, look I'm still bleeding. He din't even give me a warning, or ask me to surrender, he just went and shot me for no reason, and those stupid howling men just stood around laughing-
There, there necrotic-
That Lord Necrotic dammit-
-yes, yes, lord necrotic, master of the dead, taker of souls, I understand how badly you were treated and I will see to it that you are treated in the matter that you deserve, now rest and recover your strength.
Yes, rest soundsss goood...

Flaky snoozing now?
Yes, and from the sound of it the ones that attacked him managed to evade the Wyrm as well.
Sounds like a bunch of sneaky ones.
Yes, and they will probably head either toward the pig or us, we should be prepared for a frontal assault from a bunch of overconfident idiots relying on their degenerate idolist's power to clear their way.
Well he's in for a surprise.

Castle Dariad
Heh, stupid dragon.

Outside the Keir Dar Duroan
Looky there me lads, nothing but weakened defenders and women hungry for a bit of southern meat, all for our taking.
Sarge, the captain said we wert to bother the local ifen they aint attacking us.
Captain dead and we'll do what I say.

Player's Perspective

We travelled to the next Tear. Along the way we were joined by a big Wein named Coradoc. Shortly after he joined us we found three Wein elders dead and decided to investigate.

When we got to the village of Keir Dar Duroan it was under imperial control. We asked around and determined that things weren't going well. More investigation and a few orders revealed the sergeant was a traitor who had killed his captain.

He was put to death, a few men joined us and the rest stayed to help the Wien. We headed for the swamp.

We arrived just behind a huge force of undead. There was a castle full of goblins and one human. The wein claimed to be working for a hag and we believed him. There was also a grey render about and it laid into the undead with fury.

We filled the palanquin they'd brought with flaming arrows only to see Flaky exit, notice us, and change to smoke. The true leader seemed to be a woman, but she gave us trouble as she wouldn't come out and give us a clear shot.

The undead bore down on us and we got help from an unexpected corner as a druid suddenly entangled the main body of their forces. The fight continued with Gorunn trying to get into the palanquin on the theory that their artifact of cold would be there.

The woman turned invisible and the undead were put to death. When the render didn't stop, it too had to be killed. Searching the dead we foun many items that would have made it hard to turn them with the power of one's god.

We negotiated briefly with the castle, decided they were trying to lure us to our death and followed the woman (who was less obvious but had the same idea in mind) instead. She had stopped up ahead to summon a dragon.

Luckily, that takes a while and we were able to take her prisoner first. The dragon came, but we hid and were not found. Now all that remains is interogating her further and heading to the next tear.

Experience and such

Moving man Lazurus4501202703,425"I don't think you want to stand there.";
Eagle eye Gorunn4502702704,805"I repeat, why are we here."
Not even looking Delvin4502402707,180"Yeah, take this."
The all new Caradoc4501602702,830"I start foaming."
Off on her own Kolina3001002701,670"This is so messed up."
Kormac not here7,330
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