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Delve World: Zarquin

Mad Mandalla

Designer(s): Bjorn and Sven Hagan
Archetype: Monster Hotel/Maze
Objective: Find the way to the center of the Mandalla
Introduction: An overly complex Delve from the twisted mind of the White Dwarf.

Designer's Evaluation

Once again the Monsters of Mayhem proved more than adequate to the task although I think the delve did test them sorely. Allowing their trainer to subsitute Jarkwin for Athaneus may also have helped as Athaneus had not been particularly keen. On the other hand, the relative ineptitude of Kal and the loss of Brutus for the latter portion of the dungeon can not be dismissed.

In the end, the design worked well. The Delvers believed they had solved problems that didn't exist and came away feeling more accomplished than they really were. I was disappointed that Jarkwin was there rather than Athaneus when they came to the crypt room. I believe it cost me a fatality, perhaps two.

Delve Diary

The Delve was somewhat confusing in that we didn't initially grasp the puzzle. We believed there were only 4 sections controlled by aligning all three dials. Luckily, Jarkwin joined us and brought a fresh perspective allowing us to complete our mission without having to fight every foe on every level.

He also proved very handy on the Undead levels, though his contributions were no match for those of Grot the Barbarian who plows through opposition almost as quickly as he plows through ale. By far the most difficult opponent were the killer penguins.

It might have helped us if we had made some attempt to use the items we found in the Delve. Several would have helped us in later rooms.

The biggest surprise was the removal of Athaneus from our team, still it worked out well and Jarkwin's skills were considerably more useful than those Athaneus, as the third fighter, had offered.

Tale of the Tape

Player Start Basic Bonus Total Notes
Dave 5180 7680
Steve 4500 6450 New Character
Tom ? 4800
Mike 5180 7680
Tim ? 3550
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