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Delve World: Zarquin


Designer(s): Presby Elvish
Archetype: Scavenger Hunt
Objective: Secure ten keys quickly to open payoff and escape.
Introduction: A selection of encounters ment to force the delve teams to face thier worst flaws.

Delve Diary

This place should really be called "Faces of Grot". Elvish used his engram of Grot to produce multiple Grots but with different abilities. Thus far we've fought 4 Grots, a handful of orcs and some undead. Several of the Grot/orc combos have been way ahead of us in tactics and the magical grot was pretty smart.

Luckily for us, the Grots have been considerably lower level than us, but with no time to relearn spells (the Delve has an 8 hour limit) things could get a little hairy before it's over.

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