Previous Adventures

February 10, 1999
The phrophet Elijha, he has a horde of fanatic followers, some of whom are able and bright officer, he has two angelic beings followeing his commands, he walks constantlly bathed in a nseen light, and he has brought Roland back to life (that basterd)
Steves charater is marked with a triangle on his forehead that only hucksters can see, and he and everyone else with the mark are fanatic followers of Elijha, Dakota is captive and due to be bathtised in a hour, Roland and his manitou both are traped in a collapsed building, one of them has the gem. Slim is free in the town, while winter is trying to sneak in.
well steve was talking about running next week, so I maybe It time to just kill erveryone off.:]Or maybe you figure out a way to get everyone free, as always up to the players. 7:30 steves basement.

February 3, 1999
The posse is off the investigate a band of religious tpe who have been over running towns, takeing valubles as thith, and focible convering folk. A team of U.S. marshalls tried to arrest the leader of the cult, one Ellijha, the two marshalls are now converts of the cult.

January 27, 1999
The posse finishes dealing with the Ghost riders while allowing the Jewish Huckster to escape.
Now the posse is journeing north to a small town that has gone deserted, excapt for whatever caused a Well Fargo delivery man to disipear leaving only a small splattering of blood behind.

January 20, 1999
after leaving the Orian pass the posse reviews thier collections of orders,rumors, and appeals for help and figure out where thier off to now.

January 13, 1999
A man named John Foster came down from the orian pass claiming that the local indians have burned down the town of sparta and was now laying siege to his family's wagon train in the ruins of sparta. The posse and a army of 80 men whent up into the pass to find that the town of sparta was not burned down, but that people had been disappearing all week and no one was abel to get out of the pass alive. Foster diappeared and the posse found out that 13 years ago a wagon trained was attacked by the indians and that the familys onboard had starved to death while trapped thier for the winter, and that some of the familys had resorted to canibalism. Now suspecting wiendigos, and a local miner baron who had a proble with the local indians the posse journeied first to the local indians, confirming that th e diappearance was being caused by wiedigos, and then to the lodge of lazarus a local miner. The found that lazarus was some kind of undead and had a vampire as a house guest as well as Amos De Mercer as a body gu ard. After a short fight between the posse and lazarus, Roland was forced to drink a potion that allowed De Mercer to always know where Roland is at and then the posse was forced to leave lazarus's lodge. While traveling back to town in a snow storm the posse is surounded by a collection of lambient blue eyes, 8 feet off the ground, and closeing in.

January 6, 1999
I have several senarios made up that the posse will get info on, then its up to the posse which one they check up on.

December 23, 1998
The posse is in Gommorra for the holidays.
Poole, the director of the SIR is holding a meeting between all SIr agents in town and a number of other people who are aware of unuseal dangers.
Included in this meeting will be a representative of the Lord CO. Division 6.
Dinner will also be served.

December 17, 1998
The posse has been asked to aid a expadition to hunt down the ghost ship, the Red Stag, and they have just enoght time to get to Gomorra to join it.
But first old Roland has been called out by a former gunfighter who found Jesus, the man in black, Diego
Plus, old rolands got his 5 point of grit, and a El diablo is on its way

December 10, 1998
Injun Old Hills says thier someone in trouble to the east and that hes going to help him, the rest of the Posse joins him before thier return to Gommora to track down the rumors of the ghost ship, the Red stag.

November 25, 1998
Last week Rolands, Winter, Kidd, Call and Old Hills all got messages saying what weird things was happening that they might want to check out. ITs up to the Posse what they check out first.
Meanwhile -- Coming soon,
Call of the Frontier,
A new series by Kermit St. John
No 1, Showdown in Gamorra.
In which our hero Newt Call calls out that feared outlaw Dakota for killing the charitable Maxwell Lord and the late " One-Eyed Jack" Bains.
No2, The Run to Mayfair.
People are dying in the town of Mayfair, and only Newt Call and his Frontier Riders can get the medicine to them in time.
The "One-Eyed Jack" Baines commenritive collection.
Although Baines is gone, his legend lives on in this hardcover collection of all 20 of One-eye's adventures. Plus a bonus new story, Fire in the Sky, the thrilling story of Baines dramatic rescue of the members of the greater rock miner's associatoin and his firey death at the hands of Dakota. Avialible only in this collectoin, order now, supllies are limited.

November 18, 1998
With the mist bitches lurking in a caved in mine, the posse ponders how to get to them to finish them off. Meanwhile Old Hills is trouble by visions of people being forced to drink from a bottle labled " Mordigan's Mirricle Elixer" only to have something thick cold and alive crawl down thier thoats.

November 11, 1998
Its been four weeks since the posse have retrived enough gold to keep a man in riches for the rest of his life. Each posse member has to decide if they want to keep on fighting the good fight or retire.
Olds as hills the parinoid/neurotic indians has wandered off, muttering about how he cant trust anyone, no ones knows if he will be seen again.
Cobb rode off saying he gots plans. Dekota ne' Micheal Graves is plotting ideals on how to get into Helldorado to get at lord.
Major Steward is itching for a real mission.
Now is the time to spend bounty and money, and decide if you really want to keep playing your current charater.
In any case the Greater Maze Rock Miner's Association has asked its Special Investigations Regulators ( thats right, they call you SIR ) to check out the disapearace of some of thier survayers out near the town of Cruel, the local sheriff from Bisby's Stake sent out a pair of deputies who also dissapeared and the sheriff refuses to send any one else.
Up to the players what charaters end up answering the call and why.

November 5, 1998
Final night in the dollars for the dead adventure
the players have two of the holsters
the gambler has the other, but is willing to join the posse for $25,000 of the gold
the last holster is in the hands of a retired Lt who settled in southern new mexico
then all the posse gots to do, is actually go get the gold

October 29, 1998
4 holsters lead to $100,000 in confederate gold
you got one
one in the hands of a gambler who owns the sallon in the town whose jail you just blew up
one is in the hands of a yankee deserter whose men you just shot up
one is in the hands of a retired Lt who was homesteading down south
meanwhile old as hill wanders off to wait for a vision

October 19, 1998
$100, 000 in gold
All ya gota do is collect the 4 holsters with map on em to find the gold
Sargent Dooly is riding with you and ya got jake stone out of jail so that he can tell ya where his is.
Ya had to blow up the jail to do it, but ya got away with no problem.
Now Stone tells you he lost his holster to a gambler in the same town you just got out of
and he told the gambler what the holster is good for
the local marshall has a fondness for a Acid gun
a diserted federal captian and some of his men have a holster and are looking for Dooly
and to top it off you still got to track down another holster