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Off the Path

Journey to the south

The Hook

Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?


Wishing Brother will to trouble him no more, the clerk Brennen sends word to a Black Knight to deal with brother will on his trip south.


Meanard called in a favor with the black knight Sir holloway, to kill brother will on this wasy south, Sir holloway in tern arranged for a associate, the Bandit King Bell and his band to ambush the group, with Bell Believeing that the Black knight would chase them off and then lure the preist into a ambush.

Instead Holloway had arranged for another bandit named Dorric to take over after the knight killed Bell for the reward.

Only just as the party and some way fareres were surrounded by bandits, Dorric tried to take advantage of Brother Will hitting Bell with a spell and take down the man himself.

Seeing his plan go to hell, Holloway call upon his squire to use the Thropy of Fool which dragged the bandits, the knight, the party and the some of the way farers to the The Challange Hall of the Fool.

Here a set of contests allow all who challenged other to gain points to determine who would return with the throphy, and who would be exile to the Feywild for a year.

Due to charming a bandit to take the loss on each challenge the party got a early lead, and Holloway choose to take exile with the bandit rather then face the witnesses to his attempted killing of a priest.


A man was cursed by a pensioner who lived on his uncles farm, and a annoyed Neriad cursed him with constantly summoned frog that had over ran his farm.

The Nariad was annoyed since invasive Beaver had build a dam which had flooded the small vale around her pool, and the beavers were just beyound how far she could travel from her pond.

A Stone circle Druid was observing the beast and didn’t want them distrubed while their kids were still prepareing to leave the dam.

Untilmatly the Druid afreed to remove the dam after the kids had left so he could observe what the adult would do next, and the Neria Mariana lifted the curse.

The Spoils

The Fool's cup of challanges.
Enchanted lilly pad ( summons 777 frogs when torn for 7 days, hours, and minutes or until slain )
HAt of clear sight ( can clearly see through mist, fog, rain, and disturbed water )

Experience Points

CharacterPreviousBonusBaseNew Total

Part 1

CharacterPreviousBonusBaseNew Total
Bemian 19392.0 2085.0 1400.0 22877 Need 123 for level 7
Escaped hall +1500
Lifted curse +500
Minstreal and Squire abuse - Wrath +50
Watery tart time +25
Putting things in his mouth +10

Brother Will 18666.0 2075.0 1400.0 22141 Need 859 for level 7
Escaped hall +1500
Doing his civil duty. So proud. +500
Adopted teenage bandit +50
First strike +25

Eldoran 19117.0 2100.0 1400.0 22617 Need 383 for level 7
Escaped hall +1500
Lifted curse +500
Bandaged bandit - Mercy +50
Talked with Bell +25
Stay behind when talking to old woman +25

Taenya Rowynn 18445.0 2085.0 1400.0 21930 Need 1070 for level 7
Escaped hall +1500
Lifted curse +500
Makeing friends aginst thier wills - Pride +50
Elder benevolence +25
Contestant +10

<= A Fairie's tale.Chronicles
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