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Off the Path


The Hook

AHHHHHHHH! Run, it's chaseing me.


Years ago Albin Bytheway became a druid, but his interest in insect turned him to the arcane arts and he began breeding magical insects.

His family demanded he stop of leave his familie's lands, he choose to leave.

Recently the head of his family died and a inheritance from their father was due to be delvied and young Miles Bytheway was sent to find Albin.

He found a tower that Albin had written as using for his experience meant, but the ground were overrun by giant insects, and a mysterious voice warned him the the circle of stone that kept the insect trapped in side was failing.

Fleeing, he found himsle several hours travel awa in mere minitues and was told to find the Everyman, like from the miracles plays. A man who traveled with a saint and the devil.


Journing to the tower, the party explored, fought giant buys, Eldoran nearly died, but some bad things happened as well.

Albin was years dead and his Formian familiar was returned to his plane after the party convince it that his master was dead.

Miles collected Albin's remain to return to his family lands, and asked to keep the inheritance since Albin had several magic items and other rtreasuer that conpesaed the party for thier time


You have been penetrated

Chorus "Salad dressing"

Look at my horse, my horse is amazing...

Yo, drizzle.

No, not the mead.

The Spoils

Small chest holding loose coins 75 gp, 32 sp, 15 cp

Tigereye torc 10gp

Alabaster cup 11gp

Belt of healing

Jackel headed alabaster har 18 gp containing potion of CMW

Amber Amulet of Vermin giant bee
Anthan of warding – channel spell into glypes
Book of glypes

Door lock and key 30 gp

Mw Lucern Hammer
Bloodstone dagger pommel 50gp
Behewled torc 120
Emerald ring 20gp
Scroll tube carved ivory 50gp
Scroll of protection from choas
Wand of Shield of faith 35 charges

Linked bell, when struck both bells ring when on same place. 60gp

Experience Points

CharacterPreviousBonusBaseNew Total

Part 1

CharacterPreviousBonusBaseNew Total
Bemian 11093.0 550.0 833.0 12476 Need 2524 for level 6
Jump the leech. +10
Mission +500
Wineing +10
Hammer time +10
Coniving Femorian +10
Attracting flies +10

Brother Will 11038.0 550.0 833.0 12421 Need 2579 for level 6
Misson +500
Takeing action, we're going this way +10
Turning down sound on tv +10
Not stealing the summoner's thunder +10
Memorizing spells expecting mic to get killed +10
Nope. Not throwing napalm around +10

Eldoran 10793.0 550.0 833.0 12176 Need 2824 for level 6
Mission +500
Obsessive compulsice secret comparment searching +10
Salad dressing +10
Pickel tosser, not a euphanism +10
O yeah, tremor sence +10
Retcon shopping +10

Taenya Rowynn 3389.0 3050.0 833.0 7272 Went from Level 3 to 4
Need 2728 for level 5
Level up +2500
Easel +10
This is my horse, my horse is amazeing... +10
Somtimes it's better to summon a fire elemental then curse the centipedes +10
Random detect magics for everyone +10
Salad dressing +10
Misison +500

<= Bring him back aliveChroniclesThe Tax man comenth =≫
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