Spells of Aredel

This page will contain spells from the World of Aredel. Every Wizard and Priest will have the ability to learn them.

Wizard Spells: Priest Spells:
Spell Name:LevelSchool Spell Name:LevelSphere
Mystical Bind1stAll

Wizard Spells:

Mystical Bind
Range: 0		
Duration: Permanent			
Area of Effect: Caster/Book
Components: None
Casting Time: 1 Turn
Saving Throw: N/A

When the Wizard casts this spell, he binds the magical energies between himself
and his book. From that moment on, anytime the Wizards successfully scribes a
spell into his book the spell is retained to his memory. This means, that the 
Wizard is not required to carry his book to cast the spells in it. However, if
he wishes to learn a new spell he must scribe it into his book.

The reverse of this spell, Mystical Tear will cause the bind to be broken 
between the Wizard and his book, causing him to lose his ability to regain his
spells for the day.