Meeting of the Minds
April 7th 1999
The Nice Version


Do you think they'll come?
Oh, they'll come.
How can you be so certain?
It's in their nature.
Their nature?
Yes, though they might not know it, their veins flow with the blood of heroes.

Adventure Summary: (Nice version)

Monticello arrived for open mic night since Jim had offered to allow him to try and raise some funds for the Block Association. Things went pretty well and he actually managed to get a few dollars in donations. He sat down with Jim for a few moments to thank him for his kindness.

As they talked, five members of "The Young Ones" showed up. Four of them slipped into the club while John "The Hammer" Henry was searching the first one. Luckily, he had the presence of mind to use the radio to call for help.

Within moments, the police were called and the players made their way to the door to intercept them. When Monticello asked them to state their business, they said they had come for revenge. He offered to fight outside, but they weren't interested and brandished knives, clubs, chains and a gun.

When Jim offered to buy them a drink, the guy with the chain destroyed his liquor bottle. Undaunted, Jim stabbed him with it (his original intent was to club him with it). The fight was brief and the bikers were taken off to jail, but not before Jim managed to carve the word "sot" into the cheek of one man.

Travis and Steve left to attend to other business, leaving Monticello and John Henry to work the door. About an hour after their departure, a well-dressed couple arrived looking for Jim. Monticello checked with him, then showed them through.

They explained that they worked for a man named Anthony who wanted to meet with the three of them, Monticello, Jim and John Henry desperately. Travis and Steve were already at the meeting and it was on hold pending their arrival. They eventually offered a bribe to get the three of them to go. While it was accepted, it also made the three nervous, since it looked too good to be true.

Anthony explained to them that there were forces of darkness at work in the city and that he and his friends were at war with them. Although there was a good deal of mistrust, the players eventually agreed to undertake a mission for them to see these dark forces with their own eyes. Anthony sent along two of his lieutenants, Elizabeth and Robert, to provide some backup.

The mission was pretty simple; they pretended to be the kidnappers who were arrested two days earlier and delivered a girl. Anthony provided a volunteer from his staff and Monticello and Rick were elected to play the role of the kidnappers.

Things went pretty well, but it soon became clear that something was wrong. Not only did their clients send along a car and a van for one girl, but they also brought quite a bit of muscle. Jim's machine pistol and Taltos' knives made all the difference and the players proved successful and the evil-doers were vanquished.

During the fight, four of their assailants revealed supernatural powers. Two had superhuman strength, one had very sharp claws, one regenerated, one moved very fast, and three were invisible for part of the fight. The one with the claws and the really fast one turned to dust when they were killed; the rest just lay on the ground like normal people.

Character Moment(s) of the Night:

Anthony: Do you believe in things that go bump in the night?
Taltos (staring at Elizabeth): Of course

Anthony: You will need to be trained.
Taltos (excitedly): Is Elizabeth going to train us?

Player Moment(s) of the Night:

Anthony: They expect two punks and a fourteen year old girl
Mike looks at Lou expectantly
I ain't black, I ain't fourteen, and I ain't wearing no dress

Joe1:I turn the chair around and sit backwards
Lou: It's an arm chair

Anthony: Elizabeth, show Mr. Jones your ability
Joe1 mimes opening his shirt, then applauds
Lou: And you're still losing?!

Steve collects five blue chips
Steve: Look! I'm Mike playing Deadlands!

A comparison of going to John's vs Joe2's is in progress
Joe1: John's house -- livestock; Joe2's house -- riflestock

Tom explains that Monty's foster mom is working the store on a Sunday morning
Steve, knowing she's devoutly religious: She's not working the store!
Lou: She's working the corner...

Monticello: Could I get a towel please? Gets one. No, a clean one.
Joe2: That is the clean one.

Steve: Cool, as allies, he's giving us a chick, a smart guy, and a midget.
Joe2: Midgets make everything funnier

Jim: The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn from the crow.
Lou: Open mic night was yesterday

Steve: I stumble on something that's not really there
Joe1: Fuckin' Nosferatu!

Steve (to the group): He has telekinesis
Steve (to Joe1): He can move things with his mind
Steve (to "The Hammer"): His brain does shit

The Dark version (Psychos only!)

email.gif (6346 bytes)Steve's BasementThe Dark City