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#3 The Gruncle
The Hook
Ferric the Marotian Has been hired by his Great Uncle to pick up a package from neighboring Farvoia
In Farvoia
What the hell is that?Summary
Ferric receives a note from his Gruncle asking for a meeting. He is offered a job going to Farvoia by airship to pick up a package from a person named Ahn. He’s supposed to find him behind a tavern called The Crumpled Airship. After some discussion, the Gruncle agrees that he can take along his new friends in case there’s trouble.
Meanwhile, Peeter is hanging around the shipyard hoping to both find some work and to see if he can spot anyone who shouldn’t be there. He’s trying to figure out who sabotaged their ship. He’s not having much luck when a messenger from Ferric shows up and asks him to meet Ferric at the Rusty Goblet. He has noticed a man dressed in green including a hood who has a thick beard and a weathered face along with a scar along his jawline. He heads over to the Goblet thinking he’ll ask Randall about the man.
He finds Speaks along the way and the two of them head to the Goblet together. When they enter, there are two men there studying map with a candle. There’s also a stranger behind the bar. When he goes to see Randall, the door is locked, and the cook shakes his head no. He returns to the table with Speaks as Ferric enters.
He offers them the job as a messenger, and they agree. Peeter suggests they bring along a guy he met recently called Klynt. He’s a Marotian with a big gun. They decide to cut him in for a share and the 4 of them meet Mordak at the docks. After Ferric arranges for passage they board the ship. The captain seems surprised when he finds Peeter giving the ship a safety check and confronts him. Peeter explains the last ship they were on was sabot6aged and he wants to check it. The captain doesn’t seem to think he’s qualified but he lets him finish and the ship passes with flying colors. While the inspection is happening, a man asks Speaks to deliver a box to Caitlyn at the Blue Dragon and he agrees.
The trip to Farvoia is about nine hours. Seven hours in they are caught in a rainstorm. It’s not a bid deal, but the captain deploys a lightning rod with a drag cable into the canopy. As Mordak and Peeter work on deck to help the ship through the storm, the others are below. Some water leaks into the cabin and hists the box Speaks has agreed to deliver. It shaking and speaks lifts it out of the water only to have the box destroyed from the inside. A weird plant emerges and attacks Speaks. He quickly manages to grapple it and is looking for a way to contain it when a small boy first asks for the plant, then offers a metal box to contain it.
The ship arrives in town and the group splits up. Speaks and Peeter go to see Kaitlyn at the Blue Dragon. They tell her they're bringing the box but not sure they should give it to her. Speaks shakes it and it jerks out of his hand. Peeter jumps on it to keep it trapped. Two tentacles emerge and attack him. He manages to slam the lid of the box and break two tentacles. He heals himself, Speaks and the plant who have all been injured. They ask a few questions. She knows the guy who sent the box but claims not to have known what was in it. She and Gregor are associates and she thinks they’re on friendly terms.
After some discussion she takes them into a workshop attached to the Bleu Dragon. There are plants another unusual things there but nothing seems too dangerous. The plant is removed from the box and hung on a line to dry. The plant has five tentacles each of which ends in a hard sharp bit which is either a claw or a tooth. That part injects poison when it hits.
Meanwhile, Ferric goes to meet his guy taking Mordak and Klynt along in case of trouble.. He finds the guy and they make the deal, then 4 cutthroats show up and demand the package. A fight ensues but the cutthroats didn't have much chance as the trio plus Ahn, the guy they're meeting, shoot, stab and generally cut them down. Mordak entangles the last one with his net and they try to question him. They can’t tell if he’s stupid or faking but it doesn’t matter as a frustrated Mordak brings an end to their uncooperative prisoner.
They meet at a local inn and spend the night. Things go well, except they are in a sort of bunkhouse and one of the guys keeps having nightmares and falling out of bed. He says he keeps dreaming about plants taking over the cities, but the dreams don’t tell him anything about who or how.
In the morning, things go well at breakfast then there's a commotion at the docks. A beast rider is there with a flying lizard. He says he saw a ship go down nearby. They agree to mount a rescue operation and board a ship to investigate. The ship is easy to spot and there is a lizard trying to eat the last four survivors. Speaks and Mordak move quickly to aid them, but the lizard flees before them taking a dead survivor with it. As they contemplate the three survivors, Speaks is attacked by a party of goblins. They don’t last long and Klynt proves quite able with his gun as does Speaks. All the group acquit themselves well and they being salvaging the ship and cargo as the survivors tell their story.
They learn that there was another man who jumped over just before their ship caught fire and crashed. He left a note claiming it was the work of the arborist. This made Peeter nervous, and he asked Mordak to go check on the Blue Dragon. He got there and all was well. He stayed while the others recovered as much as they could from the other ship.
When they got back, they went to the Blue Dragon where Caitlyn treated them to exotic dinner and drinks. All was well until morning when they discovered the plant had disappeared without a trace. Knowing they were already late, they made their way to their ship and headed back to Marovia.
There Ferric reported to his Gruncle and the others shared information with Randall who told them the man wasn’t “the arborist” but more likely an arborist, a secret society of people who think the cities should be green too and that the green is how the planet should be. He was very interested in Klynt and his gun and wound up offering to help him if he’d consider doing him a few favors once in a while. Klynt agreed.
GM: YOu're not sure where to find Pious Peter.
Steve: It's Peeter the Faithful.
Joe: The ladies call him Peeter the faceful.
Lou: Is it okay if I play a gunslinger?
Joe: Cool! His new character is going to be banging.
GM: Ferric comes in.
Joe: I close my parasol. Need to maintain my ghostly pallor.
Peeter translates for Speaks.
Ferric: I thought he understood me.
Peeter: He does, I just wanted to piss you off.
Barmaid: That's a mighty big gun you got there stranger.
Klynt: Yes, yes it is.The Spoils
Ferric: +1 Rapier, Scroll of Magic Missile
Klynt: MW Rapier
Mordak: Potion of HealingExperience Points
Character Previous Bonus Base New Total Part 1
Character Previous Bonus Base New Total Ferric Stegazi 1366.0 250.0 550.0 2166 Need 1134 for level 3 Roleplaying +250 Klynt 1366.0 250.0 550.0 2166 Need 1134 for level 3 Roleplaying +250 Mordak 686.0 950.0 550.0 2186 Went from Level 1 to 2
Need 1114 for level 3Roleplaying +250
B team +700Peeter the Faithful 1366.0 250.0 550.0 2166 Need 1134 for level 3 Roleplaying +250 Speaks with Reason 1366.0 250.0 550.0 2166 Need 1134 for level 3 Roleplaying +250
<= The Caves of Mourning part 2 Chronicles Dwarves Deep =≫
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