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All Roads Lead to ?

Where is the next attack? When? And by whom?



Lord: They know of the attack?

Underling: Yesss!

Lord: Good, Good, exactly as I'd hoped.

Adventure Summary

With Heidrek reconning the Ghoerian border, the party proceeds quickly to the village of Northlake. Rayad and Haddath quickly warn the town on the impending attack. The village is not much, a temple, smithy, leatherworker, general store and a sturdy Inn. The townsfolk take shelter in the two story inn and the town militia setup with bows on the second floor and spearmen on the first.

Meanwhile, Heidrek easily spots fresh tracks of an approaching raiding party. He identifies gnolls, goblins as being in the group. He does however spot some strange tracks on both sides of the column which he cannot readily identify. Estimating the number of attackers at a score to score and half, Heidrek quickly sprints ahead to the town. As he catches up on the raiding party he sees that they have split into three groups. He stays on with the larger group of gnolls head due south straight for the village. A quick call to Erik and the plants hold fast a half dozen gnolls, while the rest disappear into a think copse of trees just to the north of town.

Rayad and Haddath wait in the copse, near the south end, having spotting the approaching attackers across the open farmland. While they are waiting Heidrek makes his way carefully to the temple. He is spotted by a gnoll leading six vile goblins. After a brief exchange of arrows, the invaders take cover on the other side of the temple. Three of the goblins begin ransacking the temple while their leader looks to meet Heidrek hand to hand.

Rayad and Haddath see four gnolls heading toward them through the woods, letting them pass. As they pass, Rayad quickly springs forth and puts on an impressive display with his scimitars. Haddath slays another with well aimed daggers. Suddenly a large disturbance overhead reveals a large gnoll riding a giant spider. The gnoll fires a couple of arrows at Haddath, but the agile halfing is able to avoid the deadly missle fire. While Rayad is dispatching the two remaining gnolls, the leader dismounts the spider to engage Rayad hand-to-hand. His mount quickly leaps 20 feet to Haddath. Using a tree as cover Haddath stabs at the spider with his magical dagger. The spider not to be denied, quickly grabs Haddath with its stick legs and begins dragging him away, biting him viciously several times.

Heidrek, killing his foe with Mightytm swings of his axe, (having heaved his bow to the temple roof for safe keeping). Hears the combat in the woods and also sees several Iron Guard zombies lead by a gnoll begin to attack the inn. Three goblins also charge the inn from the other direction. The goblins are repelled by arrow fire directed by Menzak, (a traveling warrior staying at the Inn). The zombies, their leader having left them to enter the woods, attempt to enter the inn but are easily slain.

Heidrek finds Rayad fighting the leader and the zombie leader gnoll, and Haddath being bitten and drug off by one of the Spider's minions. He quickly pursues the fleeing spider. Rayad, though bloodied, kills the fierce gnolls and joins the pursuit. The spider is no match for the Axe of Heidrek and soon falls dead. Haddath is released, and through his constitution and the luck of the gods manages to fight off the effect of the spider's venom.

The goblins in the temple, sensing that their cause is lost quickly set fire to it and flee. They are soon caught by the party and taken prisoner. After some interrogation the goblins reveal that there are gnolls, goblins and spiders massing in the Spiderfell. The goblin, greatly in fear for its life, tells of about 100 gnolls leading this army. He also tells of a "shaman" magician known as HAND-EAR, a human is advising the gnolls. They party true to their word releases the goblins who quickly flee.

Heidrek heals several party members and goes to retrieve his bow which has burned along with the temple.

The next morning a score of Roesonian soldiers arrive to take charge of the town. The company commander asks if the party would recon to the north to see if "our neighbors of Ghoere" need any assitance. With further strength from Erik the group sets out to the north. Across the border the group finds a grisly sight, three villages have been razed, with the villages left rotting in the sun. The group decides it best to report this and head back to Northlake to inform the soldiers and send a message to the Baroness.


Heidrek: (if reference to Recon duty) I got chosen cuz I have the sense to run.

Rayad: I though it was because you could heal yourself if you got your ass beat.

Sgt: Where is the leader of this group.

Heidrek: Lord Ludwig is sleeping, he is tired from bellowing orders and Lord Fox is tired from correcting them.

Paula: (looking at the dice) What are these FUN things?


+2 Chain Mail - Menzak


Group Experience

Saving Town and Killing Monsters + 2,000


Player Bonuses Total
Alexandros Did not attend 6,050
Haddath Unspecified: +425 7,500
Heidrek Good Spells: 400
Capturing Goblins: +300
Ludwig Did not attend Total: Ftr: 2,640
Mage: 3,300
Menzak Jumping on Zombie: +250 7,750
Rayad 9,375
William Did not attend 6,050

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