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Alignments of Aredel

While the Players Handbook does explain the alignments pretty well, I have my own take on how the alignments are done, and how they work in respect to the players and the characters. So here is how I picture the nine alignments.

Please note that all evil alignments are unavailable to player characters.

Lawful Good (Approved PC Alignment)
While Lawful Good characters will have, by far, then any other aligned characters in the game. While their belief in order and structure goes beyond that of man made laws (which means some LG people believe that they are above these laws), they must bring about this order and structure they believe in while doing it for the benefit of mankind. Lawful Good characters find themselves torn on numerous occassions, since the order and the structure they are bringing will overall benefit man, but when the good of mankind is threatened they must decide: finish their work or stop to go and smite the evil that is afoot.
Lawful Netural (Approved PC Alignment)
Character's of this alignment care about one thing, Order. There needs to be structure in the world and the Universe and there is no room for Good and Evil when you are creating order. You will do what you need to do to bring forth structure to those around you, if if it means killing to make a point. Lawful Netural characters will also do what they can to rid the world of Chaos or try to control and bring order to the Chaos around them.
Lawful Evil (Non-Approved PC Alignment)
Characters of this alignment not only will strive to bring about Order and Structure to the Chaos and people around them, they will do it based on their own beliefs. There is no regard for the well being of others just as along as their way is the way being followed. Those of this alignment will do things like create laws that benefit only them, while they punish those who oppose them.
Netural Good (Approved PC Alignment)
Those of the Netural Good alignment are out fighting the good fight for the welfare and future of mankind. They don't care about structure or change as long as the world is at peace with itself and the people of Aredel are good to each other. Man must learn to change and make way for new creations and ideas in order to achieve the Greater Good, however the change and creation must be controlled in some manner. To much change will topple the pillar of the Greater Good.
True Netural (Approved PC Alignment)
This is perhaps a harder alignment then even Lawful Good to have. In order for one to be True Netural, one must know when to draw the line. When have they brought to much order but not enough dicord to the world. Have they struggled to much for the good of man as opposed to not enough disregard for life. All four points of the scale are completely balanced within them, and they know a inner peace that puts them almost at one with the Universe around them.
Netural Evil (Non-Approved PC Alignment)
Just like their NG brothers, those of this alignment could care less about the forces of Law and Chaos as long as they are getting what they want. If using order and laws will get them what they are trying to achieve then they will use the forces of Law to aid them, but their is no real loss of sleep if they must take a life to reach their goal.
Chaotic Good (Approved PC Alignment)
Some say this is Man's natural alignment. A Chaotic Good person will do what ever it takes to secure the welfare of others, to bring justice to the people around them. To many rules and to much structure will cloud the judgement of man to see what is morally right and just for all of mankind. Breaking the laws of man and perhaps even the laws of the Universe in order to achieve the Greater Good for all mankind is something a Chaotic Good person will go the distance for.
Chaotic Netural (Approved PC Alignment)
These are the free spirits, living in pure Chaos. There is almost nor structure or order for people of this alignment. Their mood changing on a regular basis, using the forces of Good and Evil to do what they want and reach their goals. People of this alignment are sometimes regarded as danergous and untrustworthy since no one can ever guarantee that how they feel today will be how they feel tomorrow.
Chaotic Evil (Non-Approved PC Alignment)
This is problem the most dangerous of alignments. All a Chaotic Evil person cares about is their own needs and wants. The pursit of power and control of all others using the forces of Chaos to get their way. Murder, and lies are tools of the trade for a CE character. They can not be trusted, their very word is a lie. When they are not pursuing power and control of the world, they are often defending themselves from their own men, who are also trying to gain power and control. Fear and intimdation are the only way CE leaders keep their men in line.










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