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In Kryll:

"Prince Agomar, my deepest condolences about your father. He was a proud man and a good king." Junik says as he enters the chambers of Agomar.

"Spare me the sympathy Junik, I care not to hear your tongue." Agomar snaps at Junik.

"My Lord? I mean no offense.."

"Offense? Offense? Junik, you do offend. I take offense from you mere presence and I take offense from your Lord. Your Lord has failed my father, failed me and failed our people."

"But Agomar, Gramlock did heal your father. How were we supposed to know the desiese would return?" Junik says in a calm voice, trying to calm Agomar down.

"Gramlock should have known. If he would have healed him properly then the desiese would have never come back. But he didn't , now did he?! Therefore, he failed." Agomar pauses for a second "Or maybe it was Morduke who failed! Maybe Gramlock did have the power to save him, but Morduke was to inept to use that power properly."

"Morduke is a great man, and a poweful man Agomar. Trust you don't make him your enemy. Morduke is not inept in anything he does. He used the power of Gramlock correctly."

"Very well, then it is settled. Gramlock failed." Agmor moves and sites in his chair looking down at Junik. "You have one week to clear the temples of Gramlock from within the borders of Kryll. After which the worshipping, following and the priest of Gramlock will forever be banned in Kryll and anyone caught breaking this law will be put to death. As of this moment any of the foremention offenses are immediately banned in the captial of Kryll. However, I am not an unreasonable man. You have two hours to clear the temples in the city and get your people out."

"You don't have the power to do such a thing Agomar!"

"Of crouse, I do. I'm the King."


Adventure Summary

The group, content that the slavery issue was dealt with, decided to move in force to the Kingdom of Kryll to determine what was going on there. It appeared that not only had Gramlock been removed, but so had most of the other good temples. In fact, Agomar planned to reduce the land to a single religion by force if necessary.

There was a heated debate, some proof that other parties were involved in the whole thing, and a lot of discussion. In the end it was agreed that Agomar would allow the other gods to remain, but that the company of Ulrich must undertake a mission against Syvkur for him. The group debated where they should go next in their battle against the ogres and their numerous other choices. They seemed not to have any clear trustworthy information. By the time all this was determined, Toglard had grown quite impatient and finally wished they could be where they were most needed and in full possession of the knowledge of what must be done there. The group found themselves on another plane, battling against giants who sought to besiege three neighboring cities. The giants used technology while the citizens had almost no defense save bows and arrows. Although conjuring spells was much more difficult than normal, the Company of Ulrich was not to be denied.

Using their Rings of the Elements and their own innate capabilities, they quickly laid waste to one of the attacking forces and sent them scurrying to rejoin their companions. This battle was not without a price though, for Olowniuk, perhaps driven mad by this strange alien world and the knowledge that he had been hoodwinked as part of Toglard's wish, snapped his staff in two. The destruction of the irreplaceable artifact left several dozen giant 's dead, blew up one of their siege weapons, destroyed part of the town's wall, and killed Olowniuk.

As the group moved forward to attack the remaining giants, their hearts were heavy with the loss of their friend and his many magical accoutrement

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