RPG Other Games Calendar Main Journal


Die Another Time!



Adventure Summary

The company suddenly decides they should involve the council in their activities and reports to them on the strange Amazon fleet. The Council is worried, but not as worried as they are about the rise in Undead attacks from the Waste. Between more undead activity and the missing forces of Malik the Gray, things have taken a grim turn.

The merry band, led by Malik, decides to return to the battle and carve a swath through the undead until they can reach their king. It is quite an event as Toglard merrily fireballs undead until there seems to be a sea of burning corpses before them. Any who survive the burning are quickly cut, shot, beaten or chopped out of existence. This is the sort of battle Toglard loves and he is in his glory.

The battle continues for several days until the group realizes they are making but little progress and decides they need the staff of necromancy. Toglard argues against it and continues to kill the dead again. Only he seems happy with this plan.

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