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Gods of Aredel

Lady of the Forest, Mother of the Druids
Ranking: 15
Symbol: A small bird holding a branch from a tree while sitting on a rock
Home Plane: Elysium
Align: Good - Neutral
House: Good
Porfolio: Nature, Rangers, Elves,  Wilderness, Wild Animals
Worshippers: Peace, Nature, Mothers, Druids
Cleric Primary:: Always Good
Cleric Secondary: Neutral or Lawful
Domains: Good, Animals, Plant, Earth
Favored Weapon: Staff
Areana is mainly worshipped in Mykyll, and by Druids. All mothers that worship Areana pray for protection of their children. Areana is one of the more prominent Lords in the House of Good. She is friends with Aanahyl, Gret, Gramlock and is at constant odds with Lord Vil.
Nature is a friend of all man. Man must exist with nature and all it's creations peacefully, take what is only supposed to be taken. Replace what you take. Areana works hard to defend and look over all the creatures of nature in Aredel. It is also rumored to believe that Areana is Merchaval's sister and wife.

Followers of Areana spend very little time in the city. They are often found in nature taking care of areas of forest. The temples are never permenant structures, and often are in a clearing where they make the alter and other items out of what nature provides. Clerics do not follow Areana at all, only Elves and Rangers.

Specialy Bonuses:
Elves may start at first level while Rangers must wait until 5th to gain bonuses.

Skill or Feat: Level Gained:
Weapon Focus  - Staff 1st Level
Gain Plant Domain 3rd Level
Woodland Stide 5th Level
Trackless Step 7th Level
Gain Healing Domain 9th Level
Resist Natures Lure 11th Level
A Thousand Faces 13th Level
Wild Shape (As 10th Druid) 15th Level


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