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Gods of Aredel

The God Slayer, The Strong One, Master of Luck
Ranking: 18
Symbol: A Fist holding a great sword skyward
Home Plane: Bytopia
Align: Good - Chaotic
House: Good
Porfolio: Strength, War, Athletics, Luck
Worshippers: Holy Warriors, Militant Priests, Military
Cleric Primary:: Good or Chaos(Only if Secondary is Good)
Cleric Secondary: Good, Neutral or Chaos
Domains: Stength, Luck, Good, War
Favored Weapon: Great Sword
Gramlock is the highest ranking and ruling Lord of the House of Good. Gramlock is also one of the youngest Lords of the Higher Worlds and the only human to ever ascend to the Higher Worlds. He is allied with Areana, Aanahyl, Si, Briden and Domfrois. Gramlock is constantly at odds with Daesious, Bnevavis and as of late Mobatha and Ogothe. It is rumored that Gramlock with the help of Si and Briden were able to capture and trap the enternally undead soul of Garthor Fang Killer, the true Lord of the Ogres, Orcs, Goblins, Gnolls, Trolls and their "cousins". The soul was imprisoned in the First Temple of Gramlock deep in the Black Forest of Lost Dreams and Forgetful Mind.
Gramlock believes in luck and strength. There isn't a feat of strength that can not be master by him or his followers. Over planning is a waste, Luck is one your side and smiling down upon you. Take chances, face your fears and make them bleed as your crush them. But remember, the strong must protect the weak, use their powers to stop the evil that threatens life and all that is good. And remember, a man of peace is a man ready for war.

Followers of Gramlock are often warrior priests or holy warriors. They only dress in robes and the such during special ceremonies, the rest of the time they are found wearing their armour of choice, generally plate mail. Even for some of the ceremonies a suit of "dress amour" is worn. The priest spend very little time converted people to Gramlock, they believe those with good luck will find their way to a temple door. The temples are generally rather elaborate, and the artwork is always showing some sort of great feat of strength against impossible odds. And every temple as the "Battle Square" where the priest settle personal differences. Feats of physical strength and their skill with a Great Sword are matched against each other. Killing is forbidden in the Battle Square.

Specialty Priest Bonuses:

Skill or Feat: Level Gained:
Martial Weapon - Great Sword 1st Level
Weapon Focus - Great Sword 3rd Level
Weapon Specialization - Great Sword 7th Level
Luck of Gramlock 5th Level
Strength of Gramlock 9th Level
Extra Domain 11th Level
Luck of a Friend 13th Level
Strength of the Gods 15th Level

Luck of Gramlock: The Priest may make as many re-rolls per day as their Charisma Modifer allows them.

Strength of Gramlock:
The Priest may double his Str bonus for as many rounds equal to his original strength bonus. He may do this as many times a day equal to his Wis bonus.

Luck of a Friend: At the beginning of each week, the Priest may pick up to as many friends as his Char. Bon + 1/3 of his level. Those friends now have the Luck of Gramlock and may re-roll as many rolls equal to their Cha mod per day.

Strength of the Gods: The Priest may increase his Str. to 50 for 1 round per 5/levels he may do this 2/week.

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