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Gods of Aredel


Bringer of Music, Master of Bards

Type: Greater
Symbol: A Harp
Porfolio: Music, Bards, Poetry
Worshippers: Bards, travellers, poets, storytellers
Align: LG, NG, CG, N, LN, NG
Domains: Travel, Knowledge, Animal, Luck
Favored Weapon: Rapier
The spoken word is the best form of communication and the most beautiful of all creations. Loyl has given us the gift to make our sounds beautiful and we should use it. The best songs and poetry must be preserved both in writing and by oral tradition which is far superior.

The clergy is not as numerous as some would think, but there are many worshippers and the temple is fairly powerful. This is because of the nature of the worshippers. As artists, musicians and poets they have the skill to move people and they aren't afraid to use it on the temple's behalf. There are a few larger temples, which function as conservatories of music, but most temples are simple roadside shrines. Services may be delivered anywhere where people will hear the word.

Other Information
Loyl's clergy always prefer to learn things by hearing them rather than reading or even seeing them.

Bonus Skills and/or Feats:

Skill or Feat: Level Gained:
Bardic Music Ability 1
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