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The New Age of Man (1 - 986 NA)

The Beginning of the New Age (1-5 NA)

Before history was recorded Man was nothing more then a race of tribal beings. Many of the tribes were nomadic, traveling all over the known world. Kryll was the first who tried to civilize Man. Kryll was like no other man, he was from no known tribe of Man and he did not act as barbaric as the men of those tribes. Kryll began to unite the 12 Tribes of Man together. It wasn't long before he had five of the twelve united with him. The chiefs of the five tribes acknowledged Kryll as the soverign leader of all the united tribes. Kyrlls first act was to claim a large area of land for the five tribes to settle, the tribes called this the Land of Kryll and the First Kingdom was born.

The First Kingdom (5-10 NA)

After spending five years uniting the tribes, Kryll began to structure them. He divided his newly claimed land into five major sections, giving each of the old tribal chiefs their own land to rule over as long as they heeded to the laws set out by Kryll. Each section became known as a Barony, and each chief became known as a Baron. The new Baron's of the Land of Kryll only answered to Kryll himself.

The Tribal War (10 NA)

In the beginning of 10 NA the remaining tribes attacked the Land of Kryll hoping to not only destroy it but to take the mass amounts of land back and teach the members of the united tribes to once again love the land and nature. The Tribal War lasted for roughly a year before Kyrll emerged victoriously. The land of Kryll made its first expansion, taking over the lands that many of the remaining tribes were using. Kryll grew and prospered in relative peace for 12 years.

The First Ogre War (22 - 24 NA)

The Ogre tribes attacked the lands of Kryll. Kryll had no Kingdom wide army and lost many battles and nearly the war. However, King Kryll rallied his people together and led them to victory. Kryll also claimed more land during the war after defeating the Ogre tribes. Kyrll saw relative peace once again.

Kryll explored known world, met Dwarves (32 NA)

Feeling restless, King Kryll and a few men began to explore beyond the borders of Kryll. They moved north through Ogre, Orc and Gnoll tribes until they came upon a great range of mountains. It was here that Kryll discovered the Dwarves and began talks. Before leaving, Kryll established a small colony on the outside southern range of the mountains. Leaving some men there, Kryll returned home and sent more people out to the colony.

The Lords of the Higher Worlds Show Themselves (35 NA)

Men returning from the colony of Perreth bearing strange symbols and displaying strange powers. They called themselves Priests and brought messages from the Lords of the Higher Worlds, and thus religion in Aredel was born. Many people rushed to become Priests and the number of worshippers and followers of the Lords began to grow.

The Temple of Light is built (36 NA)

After Man had discovered the Lords, many began to flock to the area where the first Priest claimed to have met the Lords. In that spot a great temple was built to honor all of the Lords (who at this time were mainly Lords of Law and Good). However, while the first Priests were men of Perreth, the holy ground was hundreds miles south of the Perreth borders in Ogre and Orc country. To ensure safe passage and that the temple would be safe, a society was created to protect and guide seekers of Light to the temple.

The Second Kingdom is formed (50 NA)

The people of the Perreth colony petitioned to seperate from the rest of Kryll. King Kryll saw no problem with this and granted the petition. The second kingdom of Man is born.

The Second Ogre War (75 - Mid-78 NA)

The Ogres once again lashed out at Man, this time attacking both kingdoms. Each kingdom fought hard, but both lost land before the war ended. The Ogre movements on Perreth actually forced them back into the mountain range. However, under the leadership of King Kryll the Ogres were once again defeated.

War with the Majestic Kingdoms (100 - 110 NA)

After numerous attacks and kidnappings by ship loads of strange races, Kryll attacked back with his own newly formed Navy. The war was long and bloody with many casualties on both sides. During the war it was discovered the strange races of people came from the Majestic Kingdoms and they were taking people to be used as slaves.

Minneva became a kingdom. (112 NA)

After the war with the Majestic Kingdoms it became clear that many of the northern counties and baronies agreed with the thinking of the Majestic Kingdoms. Slave-owners and Slave-traders came to the forefront of their culture. After many warnings from the King, the people of the northern area broke away from Kryll and became their own kingdom.

The Minneva/Kryll War (112 - 117 NA)

Kryll, though unhappy with the split of Minneva from them, was ready to bind the wounds between the two nations. However, when it was discovered the Minneva had open trade with the Majestic Kingdom and even welcomed people from the Kingdoms, Kryll responded very harshly. Warnings to break ties with the Majestic Kingdoms where ignored and the war was started when a band of Minnevians attempted to raid a border-village. Kryll would have easily wiped out Minneva if it wasn't for the aid from the Majestic Kingdoms. The war ended with Minneva becoming very much isolationists from the rest of the kingdoms of Man.

Mirqual and Lilith of Kryll (125 NA)

The Lord of Good and Luck, Mirqual, was taken by the beauty of the Lady Lilith of Kryll. He courted her briefly and won her heart. This angered Benevavis, who was also taken by the Lady and was trying to court her. Benevavis swore hatred against Mirqual.

The Mirqual/Benevavis Holy War (130 - 205 NA)

Since a year is nothing to a Lord of the Higher World, Benevavis waited for five years before taking his revenge on Mirqual. Sending his most powerful Priests and followers, he destroyed an entire town that followed only Mirqual and his teachings, triggering the longest and bloodest war to-date in the Kingdoms of men.

The Third Ogre War (210 -216 NA)

The bloodiest war between the kingdoms of Man and the Ogres. Lasting six years Kryll, Minneva and Perreth all saw serious losses. All kingdoms lost not only men but lands too. Towards the end it was being said that the kingdoms of Man would not last the next two winters when suddenly the Ogre's stopped attacking and the war ended.

The Perreth/Iron Shores War (261 - 278 NA)

Greedy for the mining opportunities Yalge, King of Perreth, pushed north into the mountains, almost forcing some Dwarves out of their homes and livelihoods. War started when a legion of Perreth warriors destroyed an entire village killing almost everyone. The war was long, but Perreth won and took even more land from the Iron Shores.

Ithakians vist Kryll (300 NA)

In 300 NA the Ithakians took notice of the advances of Man and the power they possess. The Queen of Ithaka sent a delegation to Kryll offering a place in the Mother Empire. King Kryll politely refused them. Every year a delegation comes to Kryll and every year King Kryll politely refused their offer.

People began openly discussing the fact that their King was over 300 years old and still looked the age of 35. Many started to claim he was not human nor man, angry mobs began to form. Panic and the smell of revolt was in the air. All was settled when Gret, Lord of Law and Good, showed himself and proclaimed that he himself touched Kryll granting him long life and all should be thankful to their Lords that they have a King as good and caring as King Kryll.

Magik was discovered (586 NA)

After almost 250 years of relative peace, the forces of Arcane Magik was discovered by the sage Ambroe the Wise.Ambroe and eight other colleagues. They formed the nine known schools of Arcane Magik and the first of the Wizards were born. Ambroe and his friends began to use Magik for the betterment of Man.

Wizards grew into great power (590 NA)

Just over 30 years since its discovery, Magik has become a powerful force among Man. Many powerful Wizards have appeared and are known of. People embrace but fear the powers of Arcane Magik. Even the Priests have started to keep a watchful eye on the Wizards.

Dark Magik was Discovered (600 NA)

The use of Dark Magik was found by renegade Wizards. The Dark Wizards used their magic to kill and hurt others, claiming power and domain over people, towns. People started to lose trust and faith in the Wizards.

Dark Wizards began to create hybrids of creatures (608 NA)

Dark Wizards discovered how to splice creatures together with their magiks. Their first and deadliest creation was known as a Trogre, a combination of a Troll and Ogre. They used these creations to terrorize people.

The Wizard's War (608 - 622 NA)

Tired of the actions of the Dark Wizards, the hybrids were the breaking point. Now known as White Wizards, those who do not practice dark arts struck the Dark Wizards and the Wizards War begun. The war lasted for 14 years. Many powerful spells, items, devices and pacts with outer planar creatures were made. It was also the first time Man had any contact with those outside of their own plane. Finally, the Dark Wizards were defeated and fled beyond the western shores of Iron Shores. During the Great War they returned, and it was discovered they had been living on an island kingdom known as Nystol in honor of the first Dark Wizard.

Ambroe and wizards move north (624 NA)

Man no longer had any trust for any Wizards. People became hostile towards Wizards, and one day the Wizards were just gone. It was discovered later they moved to an island north of Mirtyral.

Falgar defeated fourteen dozen orcs and was knighted (650 NA)

Falgar, a proud officer of the Kryllian army, saved an entire village by defeating an attack of fourteen dozen Orcs single handed. It was said that Falgar fought for two days straight without stopping. Every swing of his sword tasted Orc blood. No one knew how he survived the battle, his wounds were substanstial. In apprecation of his bravery and resolve, King Kryll knighted Falgar and gave him the southern lands of Kryll. Falgar expanded the lands within six months to include the pennisula.

King Kryll fathers Abraxus and Einhard (652 NA)

Kryll's 675 plus king finally took a wife and she bore fraternal twin sons, Abraxus and Einhard. The kingdom celebrated with a two week festival. While many were happy with their life in Kryll, others had become uncomfortable with a king that had seen the lives of their ancestors.

King Kryll and Abraxus disappeared (660 NA)

On one of their regular rides in the country King Kryll and Abraxus go missing. A search is conducted for many weeks, attacks on Ogre and Orc tribes are made. Fingers were pointed, but no one could prove anyone else guilty of kidnapping. During this time Abraxus II, King Kryll's brother-in-law, stepped up as Regent of the kingdom.

Einhard became king (664 NA)

With no real law on when a child should take his position on the throne, Einhard decreed that a Prince may become King at the age of 14. Many power hungry Barons and Dukes took this as a time to gain power and many split from Kryll. The new kingdoms were Thymore, Gortal, Doumdee, and Mesasis.

The new Kingdoms plead for help (668 - 670 NA)

After a few years the new kingdoms realized how much they actually needed and depended on Kryll. They all pleaded to come back to Kryll, and Einhard refused them. He did, however, draft a decree that all the kingdoms would remain friendly towards each other and commerce could commence between kingdoms.

Iron Shores/Perreth War (670 - 672 NA)

The kingdom of Perreth sought to expand their domain in the mountains for mining and entered a war of land disputes with the Dwarves. While the war wasn't extremely bloody it was still harsh on both sides. King Einhard was able to mediate peace between the two kingdoms in 672 NA.

Kryll and Iron Shores opened commerce (673 NA)

After mediating peace between Perreth and Iron Shores, Einhard was able to have Perreth join the Commerce Decree. While the Dwarves would not sign the decree, they did open lines of trade and commerce with the Kryll.

Kryll and Mirtyral open commerce (678 NA)

With hopes to unite all the races, Einhard talks with the Elves and after five years he is able to come to an agreement. Mirtyral and Kryll began trade.

Einhard fathers takes a bride, fathers two sons (681 - 683 NA)

Einhard finally takes a queen, a princess of Mesasis and they have two sons Manfred and Volkmar.

Einhard took notice of Falgar's harsh treatment of his people (684 NA)

King Einhard noticed that Duke Falgar was treating his subjects very badly. Falgar had become the poorest common-man Dutchy in all of Kryll. Einhard knew Falgar was charging more tax than the Throne required, and keeping the change. Einhard met with Thile, Falgar's son, in hopes that Thile would talk with his father. Thile grew angry during the talks and stabbed Einhard in the heart, killing him. Falgarra quickly responded by splitting from Kryll.

Kryll/Falgarra War (684 - 695 NA)

With the refusal to surrender Thile to Kryll, the kingdoms entered a war. Klaus von Hammerstien, uncle of Einhard became steward of Kryll and led Kryll in bringing the murder to justice. During this time Thile left Falgarra to avoid the wrath of Klaus. Fleeing from kingdom to kingdom and tribal land to tribal land he was followed by some of Kyrll's best hunters and warriors. Klaus began to make a final push in 693 NA to end the war, he took most of Falgarra's northern land. Thile finally returned home in 694 NA.

In spring of 695 NA, the final battle of the war was fought. Thile met both Manfred and Volkmar on the battlefield. Thile left Volkmar wounded for life, disabling his left arm. Manfred and Volkmar managed to kill Thile in the fight. Kluas took all but the pennisula land as payment for Thile's crime and spoils of war.

Kryll was reorganized, the world saw peace (696 - 701 NA)

Klaus stepped down as steward of Kryll, Manfred was rightful heir to the throne but refused. Volkmar took the crown instead and they began to reorganize. Manfred became Commander of the Kyrillan Army. To honor their uncle both men took the name von Hammerstien.

Volkmar fathered a son (704 NA)

Volkmar fathered his only son and child, Klaus von Hammerstien.

Volkmar died, Klaus became king (720 NA)

Volkmar was killed in some strange accident in the castle of Kryll. Klaus became the Fourth King of Kryll.

The White Wizards returned (724 NA)

Klaus traveled north to Ambroe Isle and talked with the wizards. When Klaus returned to Kryll, he was accompanied by White Wizards. For the first time in 100 years Wizards walked in the kingdoms of man again. To win the trust of people the Wizards began to construct devices everyday man can use, all imbued with magiks to aid man in farming, livestock, etc.

Klaus fathered a son (725 NA)

Klaus fathered his first child, a son, Lothar von Hammerstien.

Manfred was slain during Ogre attack (730 NA)

Leading an outnumbered group of men against advancing Ogre's, Manfred was slain. In hopes to break morale by killing their leader, the Ogres are taken by suprise when they realize that their actions only caused the Men to become filled with power and energy they never knew a man could have. The Ogres were quickly slaughtered.

Daesious was jilted (802 NA)

Lord of Evil, Daesious, was jilted by the maiden Gwenavene of Thymore. It became apparent that she favored Mirqual over him. Daesious swore revenge.

Daesious/Mirqual Holy War (804 - 820 NA)

Daesious attacked Mirqual and the greatest holy war to date started in the lands of Man. The priests of Si, Daesious's brother, came to the aid of Mirqual. During this war the Lords themselves, appeared on Aredel and fought. Much was lost and almost nothing was gained. The war seemed to fade with no real victor.

Peace in Aredel (820 - 979 NA)

Aredel saw the longest stage of peace ever known in the history of Man. During this time three new kingdoms were formed: Rilkarius, Hyre, and Etherbah.

Harald von Hammerstien became King (979 NA)

Harald von Hammerstien became the Sixtenth King of Kryll. Harald was the harshest king to date. He raised taxes, made the laws stricter, and started to really seperate the classes giving special privlages to the rich and the nobles.

Harald stopped revolts and angered the Ithaka (980 - 985 NA)

In his first five years as king, the people of Kryll tried to revolt twice. Harald unveiled his special fighting force which killed all who dared revolt. Soon the people of Kryll live in fear and the other kingdoms worry.

The Ithaka came on their yearly visits to convince Kryll and the kingdoms of Man to join the Mother Empire. Harald, fed up with the visits, refused the delegation entry into the capital city in 985. The Ithaka were angered and asked the Elves of Mirtyral, who are members of the Mother Empire, to speak with Harald. During the talks Harald convinced the Elves they would be better allied with Kryll and Man and to leave the Mother Empire. The Elves agreed and split from the Empire. The Ithaka were further angered.

Ithaka invaded and took Mirtyral (985 NA)

Angered by the split of Mirtyral from the Empire, the Ithaka gave them a chance to change their mind. When the Elves refused, the Ithaka attacked full force on the elven lands. Unprepared for such attacks, the Elves asked their new allies for aid and Harald actaully laughed at the Prince of the Elves and refused. The Dwarves also refused, not wishing to anger the Ithaka at them. The Ithaka completely control Mirtyral by the end of the year.

The Ithaka attacked the Kingdoms of Man, the Great War started (986 - 1435 NA)

The Ithaka move quickly and began to attack the Kingdoms of Man. The kingdom of Hyre is completely leveled and claimed by the Ithaka before the other kingdoms could react. In 987 the ships of the Majestic Kingdoms appeared once again on the eastern shores of the Kingdoms of Man, aiding the Ithaka and taking slaves when possible..


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