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Kingdoms - Falgarra

Climate: Hot seasons all year round
Known As: Falgarraians
Primary Lang: Common, Falgarra
Capitol City: Metrakyn
Ruler: King Yukroon


The people of Falgarra are hardworking and industrious, something they believe most other people are lacking. They have a great deal of respect for Dwarves and few others. They do not mince words and are usually very honest and direct. Tactfulness is seen as near weakness and politeness is nearly as bad.

Brief History:

Falgarra is a small pennisula kingdom off the southwestern shores of the Southern Continent and the borders of Kryll, and the southeastern edge of Messais. Falgarra is know for their abilities with steel. Some of the best man-made armour and weapons come out of Falgarra. Falgarra has been know to be a race of harsh and unpolite people, but generally they have stayed out of everyone elses business. They have sold their skills and wares to anyone who has the money to pay them and dispite the constant threats from kingdoms that they will stop trade if Falgarra continued to trade with certain kingdoms. Falgarra just kept on trading without worry or concern that kingdoms would cut trade to them off completely.


The Falgarrians have worked hard to turn their land from a rocky peninusula into something more. They have terraced hills, cut mountains, and mined ore. Their culture is based around a work ethic that many lack. They base the value of a man on the amount of work he can do.

Ruling Structure:

There is only the Royal Falgarrian family, no one else. The people are fantically loyal to the Royal Family and will die if asked to by their King.


The Falgarrian economy is based almost entirely on their steel. They trade finished weapons and armor to Kryll and Mesasis. They trade other goods to the Paruvians. They are exporters of steel and importers of vegetables and cloth.

Sub Structure:

There are no baronies in Falgarra, the kingdom is not divided in any real way. The Royal Family oversees every little detail about daily life in Falgarra.


Falgarrian technology lags behind many other countries in every area but one: metalworking. They make the finest steel in the world and they craft it into some of the finest weapons in the world.


Falgarrians see art as a waste of time. They do, however, find time to decorate their swords and tool their scabbards. They like to make the things they do look good, they just don't invent pieces for purely artistic value.


Fashion in Falgarra is a well-made leather apron and a good toolbelt. Beyond that they like things subtle. They make showy blades for the tourist trade but their own weapons tend to be simple steel, well made and with the deadly beauty of efficiency.


Falgarrians do not believe in politicians who make decisions for others that they could make themselves if only they weren't so lazy. As a result, they have little use for politics.


Falgarrans favor gods like Gret and Tyryl although they have no state religion. They are unhappy on holy days because they are usually forbidden to work.

Current Status:

It is unknown yet the current feelings of Falgarra, with the world being split in two by the new war brewing, Falgarra has yet to speak out on which side, if any it will fight with.

Playing a Falgarrian Character:

Common Roles:

Provisioner: Because they like hard work and preparedness, Falgarrians make good quartermasters.

Slacker: Many Falgarrians who leave home do so because they tire of the unrelenting work. Once on the road, they become lazy and others must provide for their basic functions.

Workhorse: Some Falgarrian adventurers turn out to be little more than an extra hireling for their groups, willingly pitching in to do all the jobs no one else wants to do.

Adventuring Archtypes:

Zealot: These unpopular characters are out to prove that Falgarrians work harder, faster, and smarter than anyone around them.

Roleplaying Hints:

Most people are just too lazy to solve problems. A little hardwork and elbow grease is all that is needed.

Outlook on other Countries:

Falgarrians have very little to do with anyone or anything outside their borders. They are more concerned with the quality of their steel. All they care about is if the other kingdoms are buying their armour and weapons.

Creating a Falgarrian Character:

Naming Conventions:

Falgarrian names sound hard and often feature surnames with specific metalworking techniques, tools, styles, or products.

Ability Scores:

As normal

Racial Abilities

Bonus Skills/Feats: (Considered trained in skils listed)


+2 to Knowledge: Armourer or Weaponsmith
+2 to a Amour/Weaponsmith Craft skill
+2 to Appraise (Armour and Weapons only)


All Falgarrians gain Skill Focus at 2nd level


All Falgarrian blades cost 1000 gp more then listed price, but give a +2/+1 bonus. All armor is 1000 gp more then listed price but gives a +1 AC bonus, plus lowers the Dex Bonus max by -2.

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