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Kingdoms - Hikria

Climate: Temprate Seasons
Known As: Hikrians
Primary Lang: Common, Hikrian
Capitol City: Jynrik
Ruler: Queen Lynneral


Hikrians are a polite, honest, and respectful people. Their society is based on the idea that different people have different skills but that all skills are important. This doesn't mean they are a totally equal society - those whose skills are more important or better are more respected than others, but everyone has a basic level of respect that isn't found in most countries.

This basis of respect shapes the thinking of all Hikrians. They believe they have the right to question their leaders and do so if they find it necessary. It also means that the people are not easily forced into doing things and have a largely open society, with no slaves or serfs. Their upper class exists, but their privileges come with a price - duty to the people. Hikrians believe it should be so in all lands, though they would be unlikely to tell others how to live their lives.

Brief History:

Hikria has been a kingdom of peace for thousands of years. If it wasn't for the quality of wood that cane be found in Hikria many of the other kingdoms would ever pay them any attention.


Perhaps more than any other country in Aredel, the culture of Hikria is based on fairness. Their peace is rooted in a strong belief that every man and woman is of worth and has something to offer.

This results in a level of respect between noble and commoner that is almost unknown in the rest of the world. The nobles, though they inherit their titles, must be carefully trained before they can take on their responsibilities. Their peace helps here too, for most Hikrians die of old age, giving their heirs ample time to learn their skills.

Although they don't seek to impose their culture on others, believing it would not be fair, the Hikrians will not deal with those whom they do not respect. This can cause some ill-will, particularly when a common Hikrian will not do business with a noble of another land. To date, none of these disputes has been decided in favor of the visitor, though the Hikrians will often find someone else who will work with the offender.

Ruling Structure:

There is a Royal family that has ruled the kingdom for almost 20 generations. The eldest child takes the throne after the current King or Queen passes the crown on.


Hikria's economy is built entirely on the strength of her forests and the ability of her people to use those products wisely. The Hikrians recognize this and so use their monopoly on the best in wood and woodworking wisely.

They could have a self-sufficient economy if they needed to, although it would mean they ate less meat and vegetables and more fish and tubers. Most of their land remains forested, to protect their trees, so they have few large areas for grazing animals or tilling fields.

Sub Structure:

Hikria is broken up into seven baronies. Each barony generally rules over itself with very little interferance from the capital. Taxes and reports are sent on a regular basis to Jynrik.


Hikrians lead the world in all phases of wood and woodworking. Their foresters are the best in the world and work to replenish their trees and to maintain their high quality. Their craftsmanship is likewise in great demand for luxury items.

Less well-known is their skill with ship-building. Because of their familiarity with wood-working and their geographic location, sailing and fishing are important to them. Their ships are more expensive than most (so they can't field an armada), but a single Hikrian ship is usually a match for any two other ships due to improvements in speed and maneuverability. They do not sell their ships to other countries, recognizing them as a tactical advantage (and knowing that they could not make an armada's worth).


Hikrians lead the world in any sort of artistic endeavor involving woodwork. They are also very good with most stringed and wind instruments, certainly any of them which are made of wood.

Although best known for their woodwork, they are also skilled at many other crafts. Because of their long peace, fathers are able to pass on many secrets to their sons and so less knowledge is lost from generation to generation.


Hikrians care little for fashion. They favor simply made clothing suitable for their warm summers. They also enjoy well-made and intricately designed accessories and trim for their clothing. It is not uncommon to pay more for custom buttons on a shirt than for the entire rest of the shirt.

Hair is usually kept short to facilitate working. When it is grown long, most men wear it in a ponytail. A few more avant-guarde types might wear the braids more typically worn by women.


Hikrians have little use for politics. They believe the best qualified should lead. Their system of government and their society is set up to encourage the sons of nobles to learn from their fathers (and their father's friends) and thus become the best leaders of the next generation.

Nearly all their political problems revolve around their unwillingness to deal with those who do not live as they do. While they do not seek to force thier will on such people, they will not willing deal with them either.

Orders & Groups

Most groups in Hikria are craft guilds dedicated to advancing the interests of their members. These guilds tend to be organized by trade and some of the larger ones are connected between cities. There are also informal "artist communities" usually set up by nobles, where craftsman from various disciplines can interact in a nurturing environment.

There is one small but vocal minority of lesser nobles who would like to impose a "civil service" exam. Most of these nobles are second and third sons who believe they are more qualified than their older brothers. They call themselves "The Brotherhood of Betterment". The lameness of their name may belie their claims of superiority.


Need list of gods.

Current Status:

Hikria, like Dinasis, is one of the few kingdom in Aredel that aren't having any real internal problems within their border. At the moment they are readying to mix portions of their army with the army of Dinasis and send the batallions around to other kingdoms in the Council. However, due to the recent denial of a request for a special chest to be made from Hikrian Oak from a Baron in Perreth because rumors state he's over taxing his people so he can afford fine items of luxury has caused a few skirmish to happen at the Perreth/Hikrian border.

Outlook on other Countries:

Hikria will not deal with any country that is run cruelly and unjustly. Bad feelings are felt towards kingdoms such as Astol, Messasis, Svykur, etc. There are been numerous issues with royalty and the rich sector from select kingdoms who wanted wood work or wood from Hikria and Hikria refused to do business with them.

Playing a Hikrian character

Common Roles

Hikrians tend to be good at negotiating with others, provided they believe they are being dealt with in good faith. Their skills with crafts can also help them in some engineering pursuits and helps with appraisal rolls. Depending on their specific skills they may be excellent map-makers (on the other hand, they may be too focused on quality and slow a group down).

Adventuring Archetypes

Curious: Every country has people who would like to learn more of what there is in the world.

Upwardly Mobile: Although you weren't born into nobility, you believe you have the skills it takes. You plan to adventure long enough to have the needed skills then try to catch they eye of a senior public official (or one of his children).

Zealot: Unlike most Hikrians, you really believe everyone should live as your people do and you aren't afraid to show and tell them how they should change.

Role-playing Hints

Treat everyone fairly until it becomes clear they haven't treated you fairly. Respect the skills and opinions of others and expect them to respect yours. Do not engage in activities you find mildly objectionable, but do not rebuke those who do.

Creating a Hikrian character

Naming Conventions

Hikrian names tend to be softer, with lots of sibillant sounds, like wind whispering in a pine forest. They also tend to be naturally oriented although craft/skill oriented names are beginning to catch on.

Ability Scores

Hikrian characters may choose to take a =1 to their initially generated CON or CHA to add 1 to their INT, WIS or DEX. Only 1 point may be moved in this way, total.

Racial Abilities

Skills/Feats: (Considered trained in skills listed)


+2 Craft (wood working related)
+2 Knowledge (Trees/wood)
+2 Profession (Wood Worker)


All Hikrians get Skill Focus at 2nd level

Hikrians gain access to the following special feats which must be taken at 1st level unless otherwise noted. These are not bonus feats - they are feats which are available only to natives of this region.

This feat allows you to pick a single craft skill with which you may always take a 20. Doing so makes the project take 20 times as long, but guarantees the results.

This feat grants a +2 bonus to Sense Motive checks where the other person is being deceptive and a +2 bonus to resist charm spells.

You may treat all knowledge skills as class skills. You may designate two knowledge skills where you get a +1 competence bonus.

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