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Kingdoms - Kryll

Climate: Average Season
Known As: Kyrllians
Primary Lang: Common, Kyrllian
Capitol City: Garson Castle
Population: Roughly 3.9 million people
Ruler: King Hikral Von Hameskin


The people of Kryll are proud people. They consider themselves decendants of the First Civilization, this has not only made them proud but also arrogant and cocky. Kryillans are often boisterous and can be found telling tales of their great deeds and adventures. It's not hard to find a tavern at night filled with Kryllians telling stories trying to out do each other. While they spend their time search for glory and rewards trying to out do their neighbor, the majority of Kryllians believe in world peace (some say they still believe that they rule Aredel and are just letting everyone else rule themselves). Kryllians are known for their diplomactic abilities and have been retained on numerous occasions to help settle disputes from around the world.

Brief History:

Legend states that Kryll was the first kingdom, the birth of civilization. Kryll was a warrior priest over 4,000 years ago before recorded history. He was the first to bring order to the chaos of the tribes. Kryll believed that the tribes needed a single leader that could bring peace to all the tribes across the lands. Soon Kryll had the support of dozens of tribes around him, all seeing him as their Chieftan. Kryll rewarded the leaders of the tribes, granted them reign over areas of land. Within five years King Kryll had created the fuedal system. For almost a 1,000 years Kryll ruled over the world, until he started to lose control over his lands. Barons and Dukes started to rise against him. Instead of starting a war, Kryll conceded and the first recognized kingdoms were established. Over the years Kryll has lost most of it's control over the world, however, they remain the largest and most populated kingdom in Aredel.


Kryll is the biggest multi-cultural kingdom in Aredel. 2,000 years ago, before and during the Great War of Aredel a countless number of people sought refuge within the borders of Kryll the only becon of light and hope in a time of darkness and evil. While there are people and portions of Kryll that don't agree with what happened in the past or what's happening now, most of Kryll is still open for people from other kingdoms.

Ruling Structure:

Kryll is still using the original ruling structure that was put into place by Kryll himself. However, where King Kryll has a simple and managable layered structure (Duke, Earl, Baron, Graf, Grand Knight, and Knight), the kingdom is now viened with numerous titles and land owners. Due to its size, many of the areas of Kryll are left to govern themselves, reporting to the ruler immediatly above them. Many times the news from the most distant and small areas of Kryll barely make it back to even the Baron or Earl, let along the King. When it does reach the King the news has been modified to suit someones needs in that area or to hide something that no one should know (specially the King). Generally, the Dukes report to the King on a monthly basis.


Kryll is the richest kingdom in all of Aredel, or so they would have you believe. Many areas of Kryll, such as the northern areas, are riddled with poverty and poor living conditions. And it maybe true that Kryll is the richest kingdom in the world, but most of it's wealth is held by either Noble or Royal families. In many areas, and moreso in the north, taxes are very hard and high leaving most of the people (refered to as commoners, peasants, surfs, and sometimes even scum) in an almost slave like enviroment. Spending all their time working off back taxes. King Hirkal has tried to do his best to resolve the poverty and hunger issues of his people, but by the time the supplies sent from the capital reach their destentation there is very little left due to the nobles and the rich picking through it.

Sub Structure:

Kryll is divided into seven Dukedoms, which in turn are divided into lands controled by Earls, which is then divided into Baronies, and so forth. There is an eighth area of land known as the Garson Castle where the Royal family and the King live. All land within a 35 mile radius around the castle is consider part of Garson Castle and is often called Monarch's Hold. This land is overseen by the Crowned Prince of Kryll in order to prepare him for rulership of the kingdom. Recently, Duke von Richterburg has just made a major re-assestment of his lands, creating new titles and new powers for some of the richer families, thus moving their status to that of Nobility. Not only was this done without consent of the King, Richterburg has given himself a new title during all this. He is now known as Grand Duke von Richterburg and title at least four other people as Dukes, plus he has created a new layer of nobility, the titles given to these new nobles is Count-Palatine, ranking them just below the Dukes but about the Earls. This has caused a major rift in the Noble and Royal society through out Kryll.


Kyrll, by far, has some of the most advanced techonlogy in Aredel. High price contracts and deals with the Ambroe College has made it possible for Kryll to have some of the most powerful Artifacts ever made, and some of the most power Artifactors. Kryll has been known to produce some of the great non-magikal technology the world has ever seen.


Only those Kryllians that come from a rich, noble or royal family benefit from the arts. Music, painting, writing and such are required of a Kryllian of high status. In the north and more hard line areas, the commoners can hardly use words beyond that of a 5th grade education, let along read or write. Towards the south and more open areas such as Monarch's Hold, everyone recieves an education. There has been mention of an occasional "brain-child" being discovered in the north and areas where education barely exists.


Poor people are unable to have fashion. They have a hard enough time keeping their shoes as it is. The more money you have the more fashion and clothes you can buy. Many Kryllians get their fashion from Bistal, some on the southern ocean shore will take a bit of Votutian taste here and there.


When you're talking politics, you are talking the language of most rich or noble Kryllians. Local, national and world politics are part of a regular day for many Kryllians. With diplomacy as a major profession in Kryll, you can find numerous Kryllians talking politics of the day, and you will usually find a Kryllian at the table moderating or handling the talks for forgein kingdoms, or private orgainizations.

Orders & Groups:

There are numerous Orders and Groups in Kryll, many will be added with the next release of Kryll information. Any and all ideas are welcome.


The religion in Kryll is almost as dirty as the men running it. Temples to almost all the Gods, Good or Evil, can be found through out Kryll.

Current Status:

With von Richterburg's recent re-division of power and structure with in his Dukedom causing a rift with other Nobles and the King himself, word is Hikral will be stripping Richterburg of his power and returning his Dukedom back to the status quo. However, there are other rumors that Duke von Litchmen, the other Duke of the North is ready to follow in Richterburg footsteps. And to add salt to the wound, recent events have found that three of the four kingdoms Kryll shares a border with are now hostile against Kryll and preparing to move on them.

Outlook on other Countries:

Deep down all Kryllians believe that their are still the ruling race of the world, and that the rest of the kingdoms just don't know it. They try to treat everyone with a level of civility, and offer diplomatic and political help when ever they can.

Playing a Corisan Character:

Common Roles:

Kryllians are a war based kingdom, as well as political based. You will find many Kryllian fighters, wizards, preist, etc freelancing their service where ever they can find a fight. If their not fighters, then they are diplomats or politicains and you will find them cutting deals at the table almost any where.

Adventuring Archtypes:

Diplomat: Usually found off somewhere trying to settle a dispute between two parties, generally putting fires out between kingdoms or baronies within kingdoms.

Freelance Warrior: This can be anyone of any class who is found wandering the lands offering their services to who ever can afford them. This does not make them mercenaries, however, since they will not take jobs that go against their beliefs.

Roleplaying Hints:

While many Kryllians are somewhat open minded, they still believe that Kryll will one day rule the world again, and that people should get us to it. Adventuring Kryllians will be found spending most their free time drinking and telling their tales to who ever will listen. Often these stories are embellish to make the Kryllian seem more then he is.


Creating an Kryllian Character:

Naming Conventions:

Kryllians names are based loosely on German naming conventions.

Ability Scores:

All Kryllians must have at least a 15 in their Strength and Charisma scores. Kryllians, for the most part are strong people, gaining a +1 to their Strength score. And even though they are rather proficient in diplomacy, their egos and arrogance get the better of them, which cause them to suffer a -1 to their Charisma score.

Racial Abilities:

Kryllians follow the basic starting height, weight and age as in the Players Handbook.

All non-magikal Kryllians gain a choice of Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Weapon Focus at 1st level
All magikal (Wizards/Sorcerers) gain a choice of Spell Mastery, Empower Spell, Heighten Spell at 1st level
All non-magikal Kryllians gain Weapon Specialaztion at 3rd level
All magikal (Wizards/Sorcerers) gain a Meta feat at 3rd level

Skill Bonuses : (Considered trained in skils listed)



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