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Kingdoms - Mykyll

Climate: Temperate
Known As: Mykylleen
Primary Lang: Common, Mykylen
Capitol City: Arerdeen
Population: 120,000
Ruler: Raxaba the Wily


Mykylleens are survivors. They do what it takes to get what they need for themselves and their families. Because of this, some find them untrustworthy.

Brief History:

Mykyll was the first serious kingdom on the Northern Continent. The lands were originally settled and taken in the name of the Majestic Kingdoms, but over time, the local rulers called for self rule. There was a brief attempt by the Majestic Kingdoms to bring their wayward colonies in line, but it never succeeded. To this day some believe that the Majestics secretly control the goings on in Mykyll.


Mykylleens fought to tear a kingdom from the lands of the elves and the Timorians. They fought to gain their freedom from the tyranny of the Majestic Kingdoms. They still fight to tear a living from their lands and to keep their enemies at bay.

Ruling Structure:

Raxaba the Wily is King of Mykyll as were his ancestors before him. He is much loved by his people and little trusted by his peers. Behind his back, some others call him 'The Rat'. He is aware of his nickname and is secretly proud of it.


Mykyll is one of the poorest kingdoms. They rely on shrewd trade with their neighbors, hard work, and, some say, contributions from their secret masters, the Majestics.

Sub Structure:

Beneath Raxaba are dukes and then barons. Their structure is late fuedal with more freemen than serfs. Farming is hard in Mykyll, but they make do.


Mykyll can barely afford the tecnologies that other kingdoms have already discarded. Still, they get those things and make do with them.


The hard life of the average Mykylleen leaves him with little time for the arts. They are. however, accomplished storytellers and have a rich oral history.


Mykylleens wear things that are comfortable, practical and fit well in that order. They are little concerned with fashion.


Mykylleens care little for politics save to wonder about the secret masters, since most Mykylleens have never met nor seen their King (as far as they know).

Orders & Groups:

The Network
The Network is the name given to the alleged spyring of Raxaba and the Mykylleen. Its existence is officially denied.


Mykylleens allow the worship of any god who will help them. Several evil temples flourish here where they would be put down in the south.

Current Status:

As always, Mykyll is caught in the middle. They profess loyalty to the COuncil, but none dare believe them.

Playing a Mykylleen Character:

Common Roles:

Looter: Mykylleen recognize the worth of things quickly.

Scavenger: Mykylleen are very good at finding useful items when they are needed.

Adventuring Archtypes:

Bon Vivant: Mykylleen are almost always cheerful and have a knack for seeing the best in everything and everyone. They aren't stupid, but they are willing to overlook faults, even grevious ones, if things are otherwise good.

Outsider: Because most other characters have money, the Mykylleen often finds himself on the outside looking in (sometimes literaly, like when a group goes to an inn).

Roleplaying Hints:

Things will probably work out okay, even if they don't come out exactly as you want. As long as you're breathing, there's hope.

Outlook on other Countries:

Mykyll just wants to be trusted. If any other country appeared to actually trust them completely, they would likely be completely trustworthy.

Creating a Mykylleen Character:

Naming Conventions:

Mykylleens tend to have a single name followed by an epithet or surname which suggests speed, tenacity, and/or hope.

Ability Scores:

No changes

Racial Abilities

Skills/Feats: (Considered trained in skills listed)


Mykylleen get +2 with bluff and diplomacy checks.
They may also designate 2 non-class (but not prohibited) skills as class skills.


Mykylleens gain access to the following special feats which must be taken at 1st level unless otherwise noted. These are not bonus feats - they are feats which are available only to natives of this region.

Class Secrets
Pick one exclusive skill that is normally prohibited to your class. You can now learn this skill as a cross-class skill.
This feat can be picked several times. It does not stack. Each time, it applies to a new skill.

Sandman's Sleep
You can sleep in heavy armor and other unpleasant conditions without suffering from fatigue. Other conditions such as sleeping on a hard surface, or with bed bugs, which are uncomfortable but not dangerous will likewise not prevent you from a good nights sleep.

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