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Kingdoms - Toglardia

Climate: Temperate
Known As: Toglardians, Toadians/Toads (derisive)
Primary Language: Common
Capitol City: None
Population:Estimated 10 humans, 40 giants
Ruler: Toglard


The people of Toglardia, at least thus far, are among the most powerful average citizens of any kingdom. Because the kingdom is so new, they haven't had much time to develop a culture. Toglard does insist on honesty, with expulsion the minimum penalty for lying. Violence with cause is never questioned on Toglardia and self-defense is encouraged (and required).

Brief History:

Toglardia was founded this year when Ulrich and his men arrived at an unsettled island southwest of Paruv in search of the final shard. Toglard, who had worn out his welcome in most other kingdoms they'd visited, demanded that the island be declared Toglardia. The others, not really caring, agreed and were stunned when Toglardia suddenly appeared on all their maps.


Toglardia is a dangerous place and so its people are also dangerous. In the culture that has developed so far, everything is very clearly black or white. Lying is not tolerated and everyone is either a friend or an enemy. Make the wrong enemies and the Toglardians will do little more than weep at your funeral.

Ruling Structure:

Toglard is the king and rumor has it that his familiar is prime minister. Other members of Ulrich's band may also be rulers, but that hasn't been announced yet.


Thus far, it appears that the land is rich in precious gems and predators. Toglard has yet to determine what he will do with his new kingdom.


Toglardia has no industry and no technology relying wholly on magic and importing for its needs.


The well-placed blow is the only art to appear on Toglardia thus far.


Toglardians care little for fashion save that it be functional.


Internally Toglard rules with an iron hand. Externally, he is very clear that the Amazons are his enemies and all their friends are too. He is a great believer in consequences.


Toglardians primarily worship the Lords of Light. Toglard himself is not particularly religious, although he'll kill any priest of Daesious on sight.

Current Status:

The Toglardians have, arguably, done more to stem the advance of the Amazons into the Council of Kingdoms than any other people on the planet. They are aggressive, war-like, and somewhat unpredictable. They are dangerous enemies and only slightly less dangerous allies. They have never broken a treaty of any kind.

Playing a Timorian Character:

Common Roles:

Devil's Advocate: Where others see only good, Toglardians often see peril. They view the world as very black and white and so are able to see extreme viewpoints and possibilities more easily than most.

Expert: Toglardians are highly educated and very intelligent. They often have useful non-adventuring skills.

Thug: Because of their reputation for violence, Toglardians can often be used to intimidate people.

Adventuring Archtypes:

Done him Wrong: Some Toglardians travel because they have been outcast by their king. This could be deserved or it could be part of some plot. Even a small lie can get one booted from the island.

Explorer: Toglardians like to know the truth and know that the best way to learn it is to see it.

Roleplaying Hints:

You don't care much about who owns what. You like to be clear on who is in charge and you'd probably prefer that it be you. You don't talk much unless there is need, but when you do you expect others to listen. You are capable of towering rage.

Outlook on other Countries:

Toglardians believe most other countries are too concerned with appearances and tell too many lies to be trusted. They don't much like strangers.

Creating a Timorian Character:

Naming Conventions:

Toglardian names are generally somewhat guttural and ugly sounding.

Ability Scores:

Toglardians are introspective and spend much of their time contemplating the truth. Beginning characters can start with +1 Intelligence or + 1 Wisdom, but must take a penalty of 1 to their Charisma.

Racial Abilities:

Height: 64 + 2d8
Weight: 170 + 4d8
Age: 15+1d4

Toglardians can take the Spellcasting Prodigy feat at first level.
They also gain the feat Blooded.

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