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Kingdoms - Votu

Climate: Temprate
Known As: Votutians
Primary Lang: Common, Votu
Capitol City: Gitu
Population: Roughly 50,000 people
Ruler: Queen Mikrynia Forden


The Votutian's are a rather peaceful and friendly race, but outside of sailing they really don't see to have any ambition to do much. While most Votutians are human, there are some Elven and even some Dwarven Votutians. Votutians are generally lean bodied and have extrondianary dexterity skills.

Brief History:

Votu is believed to once be a giant underwater volcano who's tip sticks up out of the ocean. Votu exists within a crater that stretches 100 miles from sea level to top. The ridge of the crater is 20-25 miles wide and is covered with forests and rivers on either side. The inside of the crater is filled with water and patches of mountains. The mountains are said to be what remains of the inside of the old volcano tip before it exploded. Some of the mountain patches have tunnels that run deep under the water and connect them. It was in these mountain patches that the first comers to Votu settled.

It's said that the great sailor Voglar Tulask was the only one who know how to sail the only river that connects the inside of the crater to the ocean around it. Voglar came to Votu trying to escape numerous charges of piracy. His pursuers where unable to sail the mysterious river and were killed in the attempt. Votu has become known for their boats and sailing prowess, since just about every where you go in Votu requires you to be on a boat.


Votutians are sea-faring folk through and through, but they are also an educated race too. Overall, Votutians believe in live and let live and life on the sea is the only way to live. They treat everyone with respect, kindness and fairness when they first meet them.

All Votutians live peaceful with each other. The humans, elves and the dwarves rarely even notice the racial differences between them, a Votutians are Votutians plain and simple.

Ruling Structure:

Votu is the only kingdom known to have an Elf or a Dwarf as the overall ruler of the kingdom. Each House in the kingdom have a representative at the Hight Council. Each year the biggest house has the right to elect one of their high officials as Monarch of the island.


Votu is in no means in bad shape finacially due to the amount of boats they supply to other kingdoms their are friends with. Also a lot of Votutians are hired by other kingdoms or private families for aid on their ships or even to lead their sea voyage. Since everyone in Votu has a job that brings money into the House, no Votu lives a moderate life style.

The Votutians have a very loose mixture of socialistic and communistic systems in place. Each House is broken into Families, each Family has a job or responsiblity to the House. Those families that generate revenue deposit all their revune into a central account. All the monies in the House treasurary go to cover the expenses of running the House. Monies left over after expenses are then divided up eqaully to the Families of the House, with the House Treasurary and the High Council considered a House in the dividing of profits. Individuals who engage in private employment outside the house are require to turn over 20% of all his earnings to his House's Treasurary. Part of the expenses of the House includes the selter, food, and clothing for each Family, so the more the House gains the more the families gain.

Sub Structure:

Votu is a collection of mountian peak islands inside a crater sea of a island that was once a volcano. Each collection of moutain peaks are the home for one of the Houses of Votu. Each House basically runs itself and conducts trading and business with other House's. Each house has a specific field in which they do, that no other House does. Every House has a representative in the High Council, and which ever House has brought the most profit to the kingdom may select a Council Leader from within their House, who will serve as ruling Monarch of the kingdom for the year.


If it's meant to be on the water, especially the sea, then no one can beat the Votutians in their skills at creating sea vessels. It seems that Votutian Dwarves are "True Artifactors" and create Artifacts for Votutian vessels, and each Votutian owned vessel has a Dwarven Artifactor handling some of the controls of the ship. It is rumored that Ambroe the Tenth actaully learn the art of Artifacting from Bre'kin WaterCutter of the Bre'qin House. Ambroe College continually denies this rumor.


Votutians love the arts and are very into art. Every Votutian not only creates art in some way but they also collect it. Votutain art is more free thinking and open minded then the rest of the world. Votutian art is often not shown in other kingdoms and in a few of the more stricter kingdoms it's banned completely. Out of respect for the people they do work for, Votutian passenger ships will take down their Votutain arts for those that request it.


Votutain's enjoy very flambouant tastes, bright colors. While they dress to suit their professional and what their craft requires of them they are always very colorful and to some very outrages. While they never over dress what they do wear says more then any words can.


Politics are meant for the Council of the Houses and the High Council. Each House Council is comprised of members from three families of the House, each family is responsible for representing the needs and concerns of an eqaul portion of the rest of the families in the House.

Orders & Groups:

Votu is split up by Houses and then Families, each Family in the House has a responisiblity to the House and each House has a responsibilty of the High Council.


All Votutians worship Pinavious the God of Water. Some Votutians have kinship and friendships with some of the lesser Water Elementals.

Current Status:

In the past 25 years it has been found that due to their natural kinship with the forces of Magik, some Elven families have the ability to work the Dwarven Artifacts on Votutian ships. While they can't create the items, they do have the ability to use them fully and competently. The most famous Elven Family to know for this is the Iuk's of the Ogongrik House, some say they are even close to finding the secret for creating the items too.

Votu has also joined the Council of Kingdoms. They believe that the problems of the world will be solved once everyone realizes that if everyone helped each other and took time to understand each other the problems would soon vainish.

Playing an Ambroetian Character:

Common Roles:

Votutain characters are basically found on a ship sailing around the world. They serve as sailors, navigators, and even First Mates and Captians.

Adventuring Archtypes:

Votutain Navy: Votu has numerous members of it Navy and even some of it's ships on loan to their allies like Kryll, Corison, and even Mykyll. Characters can be anything from a low ranking member of the Navy or a low ranking officer.

Sailor for Hire: These types of characters are the mercenaries of the sea. They can fight and sail and will take any job that will put coin in their purse.

Roleplaying Hints:

Votutians are generally easy going and well liked people. They try their best to get along with everyone they can and have a very open and free minded philosophy on how life is. However, don't let the free love hippie outlook fool you. They are also a very loyal race, when you make a Votutain friend you make a Votutian friend for life. If a Votutain or his friend is every wrong, they will take action to correct the wrongness.

Outlook on other Countries:

Votu tries to get along with all the other kingdoms as best they can. Votu is generally neutral when it comes to world politics however they hate countries such as Astol, who try to push other kingdoms or their own people around and will stand up against them when the time presents itself.

Creating an Votutian Character:

Naming Conventions:

Humans generally have a one to two syllable name followed by the same pattern for their house name. Elves run their name and house name together. Their name will always consist of two syllables, generally with a vowel such as O or U as the first syllable and a short three to four character second syllable, with their three letter single syllable family name at the end. Dwarves always have their two syllable Family name first, each syllable is three letters long divided with a apostrophe, followed by their name which follows the general Dwarven scheme. Names like WaterHammer, IronSide, etc.

Ability Scores:

Votutians are very agile and dexterious. All Votutians must have atleast a 17 in their Dexterity score. All Votutians all gain a +1 to the Dexterity score, however, they are not the wisest of people and suffer a -1 to their Wisdom score.

Racial Abilities:

Height: Votutians follow the standard height charts of their Race.

Weight: Normal for race

Age: Normal for race

All Votutians start with the feat Sea Legs, they do not lose their Dex bonus to AC on a ship, they can also never be caught flat footed on water.

Votutians also gain a +1 to AC when fighting in rigging against a non-votutain

Votutians gain a +2 to all Dexterity based checks

Skill Bonuses : (Considered trained in skils listed)

Rogues gain Expertise at 3rd level
Sorcerers gain Concentration at 3rd level
Fighters gain Weapon Focus at 3rd level

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