General Discussions
This page exists to allow people to hold discussions for and about Away Team game
In our last issue:
- Steve D. said
- I think I could be.
- submitted:Wednesday, 05-Sep-01 12:55:00 EDT
- GM said
- Anyone up for a game of champions this thursday night?
- submitted:Tuesday, 04-Sep-01 23:12:36 EDT
- f said
- f
- submitted:Sunday, 26-Aug-01 10:57:08 EDT
- Tim said
- I bought the Hero Charecter Generator if anyone needs to use it.
- submitted:Tuesday, 19-Jun-01 16:50:32 EDT
- JOE said
- There is supposed to be a game tonight in the hole. Me running, game champions.
- submitted:Sunday, 17-Jun-01 02:39:42 EDT
- Anonymous said
- Cool. The great and powerfull Pumpkin.
- submitted:Wednesday, 13-Jun-01 19:02:47 EDT
- Steve D. said
- So what about the chronicle? Good, bad? Suggestions, volunteers?
- submitted:Wednesday, 13-Jun-01 13:42:16 EDT
- Steve D. said
- Okay, so I'm torn about what kind of character to play. I was considering Mama Mia, an italian mother who had really good food and the "eat something" attack (among others). But now, with the knowledge that there are bad clowns out there, I'm thinking I might want to play a "renegade" clown for the forces of good. Anyone else have an idea what they might be playing?
- submitted:Monday, 04-Jun-01 08:46:03 EDT