K’Ryth Disk Image

Disk Listing

Revised Edition

This faction was introduced in Wastelands

Moon Over Thelgrim

This faction was introduced in Wastelands


Disk NameAlgnCstMovSizeAttDefTghWndNotes
Char'gr Monkey E501.75012 May A twice during Activation Segment. Immune to damage during Combat Segment. SA: A to Ambush any Disk within 6"
Cha'Taga Mother (U)E1243.54242If Mother kills (or helps kill) an enemy, she may ENSLAVE it instead. Disks thus enslaved lose all skills and SA. If Mother is killed, her slaves are immediately destroyed.
Doppleganger E1032235 SA: A to use the SA of any one Disk within 6" as if it were the Doppleganger's SA
Greater K'zayas Spawn E342212 If more than 6" away from another K'zayas Spawn of K'zayas Master, Spawn is Immediately destroyed
Ka Taruul E732242 Missile: Fireball (2). Fireballs do double damage to Good Disks
Kortakayas (C)742223 SA: A to sacrifice two K'zayas Spawn within 6" and cast one FREE level 1 Spell from the Master Spellbook
K'Toraz the Great (U)E9326242Berserk. First Blow. If touching a Good Disk, K'Toraz receives +3 T. Does not count towards an army's total Army Points. Only comes into play via K'Toraz the Small
K'Toraz the Small (U)E951.75314 Berserk. SA" If berserking, A to force K'Toraz the Great to Ambush K'Toraz the Small, then sacrifice K'Toraz the Small
K'zayas Carrier E652224 SA: A to force up to two friendly, unpinned K'zayas Spawn anywhere in play (or in your Reinforcement Stack) to Ambush Carrier
K'zayaz Master (U)E1233.56142Swashbuckler. K'zayaz Spawn within 6" of Master receive +2 AT. SA: If 3 or more K'zayas Spawn are attacking the same Disk within 12" of K'zayas Master, A Master to instantly destroy that one Disk
Lesser K'zayas Spawn E261.75112 If more than 6" away from another K'zayas Spawn or K'zayas Master, Spawn is immediately destroyed
Seeker E10424242If attacking a Spellcaster, Seeker receives +5 AT
Uhk'set Wasp E661.75112 Reanimate. Immune to damage during Combat Segment
Worm of the Wastes E1324358 Swashbuckler. Except when first brought into play, Worm may never touch a Land Disk, nor may it be forced to touch a Land Disk by Spells or other Disks' Special Abilities. SA: to Burrow an enemy Disk within 6"
Zhoth Tangler E432133 Any Disk Touching Tangler has it's M reduced to zero. SA: A to Burrow an enemy Disk within 6"

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