RPG Other Games Calendar Main Journal

Harbingers and Horrors

Character Background

Character information

Home Colony?
Social class?
How did you become a Harbinger?
Personal goals? Remember that any that come up in a session may earn you Tally points.
Personal hates? Remember that any that come up in a session may earn you Tally points.
Antagonists out for your blood? If they show up, you guessed it, Tally points.
Character sheet information
Attributes you are good at?
Skills you put points in, and the specialties you took?
Signature gear?

Setting contributions

Up to three suggestions in each category. 1 - 5 Tally points each.

Suggestions for Otherkind to deal with, or Agents of the Fallen causing trouble?

Helpful supporting cast who will inevitably get killed to show off how evil one of enemies are before the end of the campaign and spur the players to track them down?

Real locations and stories that would make a good adventure seed?

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