A brief description of the characters and their motives (as described by the players):
- Brother Mustang - Joe
- Mustang entered the monestery of the Kicking Brothers of the Seven Virtues at a young age, after enduring the 6 years of intiate training at the boot camp he choose to volenteer to serve in the Krillian military rather then follow the traditional additional training need to become Brother of the light.
Mustang took on the name of a animal in the Kicking Brothers tradition in honor of his plans to drift away form the herd.
Mustang resembles the Rock with a Moe haircut and dresses in a simple brown habit and sandles.
- Farrol the Faint - Steve
- Farrol is very slight of build, looking almost like he'd blow away in a strong wind. He is nervous and doesn't much like fighting. He only became a soldier to avoid jail time for his mostly mispent youth. Since becoming a soldier he has spent most of his time either in the brig or escaped from the brig.
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