Team joined by a warrior named Kilgorin Von Stroyk and a former camp cook. The warrior declared himself the new leader.
As team continues investigation they are quietly stalked by tribals. Tribals engage but appear non-violent. One of the hostages is pressed into service as a translator and explains the tribals would like the team to go to their village. Some discussion and it is agreed that we will go.
Tribal leaders use magic to speak with team. They would like team to neutralize an outpost of ogres who are working with wizards to capture tribals for experimentation. More debate, but it is decided we will go if given a guide.
Led by guide to the north end of camp. Scouting performed and plans in formulation when interrupted by sound of more ogres returning.
Event begins: Primary team engages squad of ogres with orc and magical support. Sniper fire from assets Mustang and Farrol kills magician. Ogres Rally but are killed by remaining assets, primarily through melee.
Event ends
Event begins: Ogre reinforcements arrive. Some tactical confusion, but team rallys and responds with combination of melee, missile, and lightning bolts to devastating effect. Ogres killed with no loss of assets.
Event ends
Team enters camp and finds it abandoned. More mobile assets pursue escapees while assets Farrol and (Mike) engage in equipment acquisition at enemy base.
Event begins: Pursuers overtake fleeing humans and destroy them with a fireball before returning to base.
Event ends
At base a map, some intelligence and a number of artifacts are located. Team salvages useful items and destroys those remaining. Captive tribals are released to the care of the guide. Team presses on to outpost objective.
Objective reached and Smeagol located. Initial plan for destruction of wizrds is formulated, then reformulated. Asset Farrol will enter through sewers and create a diversion. Remaining assets will come through roof and work way down through wizards. Wizards tower in the middle of eight other buildings believed primarily to be barracks.