RPG Other Games Calendar Main Journal

Aredel: Iron Age

Towering Chaos

Sit Rep

Asset Farrol has entered tower from sewers and killed the only apparent guard. Remaining assets are in place on the roof having been transported by Ksomething.

Mission proceeds as Farrol collects items to be destroyed and arranges for the eventual release of experimental subjects into the tower. Arson in the lab destroyed experiments and encouraged the subjects to seek exits other than the sewer which Farrol used to accomplish his secondary objective.

Remainder of team entered from above and encountered stiff resistance in the form of armed guards, monsters, and dark wizards. Battle ensued and the fighting was brief and horrific, with gaping wounds inflicted on both sides. White assets proved superior and the initial resistance was overcome, but not easily.

Farrol continued to pursue his secondary objective and began using fireballs as an effective deterent to units which should have reinforced the tower. His tactics led to severe attrition among enemy units and eventually ignited a secondary source which led to a powerful explosion. Farrol was uninjured, but the tower was rocked and many enemy soldiers died.

Remaining assets encountered a more powerful wizard who attempted a cloudkill but was denied through superior firepower. His own assets experienced greater deterioriation of condition than any of ours. Assets inside the tower eliminated the enemy wizard and proceeded to preparing accurate casualty reports and securing necessary materials. Fifteen wizards perished. Exact numbers of soldiers could not be determined, but there were no survivors.

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