Team is briefed. A political official and his family have been taken hostage en route to the stronghold. The team is to recover the official and his family. Collateral damage to the enemy force is expected and encouraged but it a secondary goal.
The attack took place near a large swamp. Enemy forces, comprised primarily of orcs with some ogre and troll auxiliaries and led by magicians, escaped into the swamp. They are to be tracked, the hostages rescued and the forces neutralized if possible.
Enemy forces were found encamped in the swamp. It was determined to wait until morning to attack when they would, theoretically, gain less advantage from night vision. As he stood watch asset Farroll became aware there were other dangerous creatures in the area. Working with the rest of the team, he began securing prey species and depositing them near the camp on the downwind side in hopes of attracting predators.
His plan was very successful and he was rewarded with the arrival of numerous efficient killing machines on site.
During the distraction afforded by these beasts he and the others launched an attack aimed at retrieving the hostages. The battle was short and intense, resulting in tremendous casualties among both enemy forces and the unwitting allies. The only difficulty was that two wizards were able to escape through vile sorcery. The team secured the area and the hostages, then initiated pursuit of the two wizards and their hostage.