The team opted to Trojan horse their way into the stronghold after observing that it was well-defended except for its own patrols. Their solution was to pose as survivors from the swamp stronghold hoping to bring valuable information and secure rest and intelligence at the new stronghold before destroying it.
The plan got them into the main room where it quickly became clear their cover had not succeeded. There were a score of men and three wizards in the room initially. The wizards saw through their ruse nearly immediately and battle was joined.
The team spread and began using spells for mass destruction. The wizards did likewise and it was soon very dangerous to be in the room as spells from lightning bolts to fireballs and most places in between were detonated regularly. Three wizards on the lower level were killed quickly as were the 40 or so men there. The team pursued two other wizards who had attacked from a previously unnoticed balcony and was able to eliminate one while the other ran.
The team took up a defensive position on the balcony as enemy forces rallied and then entered the room under the cover of a lightning bolt. Asset Farroll defended against flanking while the others focused on attacking the main body. The would-be flankers, the wizards, and most of the soldiers died. The doors to the hall opened again and a second large group of men were killed along with their magical supporters.
The team continued to investigate and discovered they were being channeled through the use of locked doors and walls of force. Assets Farroll, Grot and Kraven were separated from the initial team.
On the upper level, the team continued to fight and advance well.
On the lower level, the remaining assets found a large dungeon and jail complex. A number of guards were killed and prisoner's released before the two teams were reunited in an alchemical zoo. A few minutes later the two team's were reunited in the zoo as both reached the same point. A return to the surface, then the team conducted a damage survey on enemy assets and collected a large amount of enemy equipment.