The Dark Ones are building some sort of a magic grid to serve as a warning or defensive system of some sort. The wizards have identified a central distribution point and the team is dispatched to smash and destroy it and the network.
The team has captured two members of a patrol belonging to the dark wizards. Let the interrogation begin!
The interrogation begins poorly and one of the captives is put to death for thinking too long about his answers. The other guesses our identity and then spills the beans. His group are not entirely loyal to the Dark Ones. His commander is a member of a resistance group, sent to the outlands to remove him from the capital. He is sure the resistance would help the team.
The team is suspicious but ultimately agrees to meet with the Captain. The prisoner is true to his word and the man agrees to help the team with their objectives. He provides them with a map, a way to enter the city and the name of an indigenous agent who can help them.
The team enters the city using forged papers and quickly meets their contact and some other members of the resistance. Together they formulate a plan for entry and egress of the tower. Still suspicious, the team keeps a number of details to themselves.
Entering the sewers the team makes short work of two different sets of guardians, a trio of chain demons and a couple of hulking golems. They also overcome a trap but are forced to immerse themselves in effluent to do so.