What has been said before:
- On Monday, 16-Oct-00 20:53:09 EDT, Steve said
- TR Test
- On Saturday, 09-Sep-00 19:16:05 EDT, Orginazations said
- Organizations: Justinians: A order on knight dedication to justice and protection of the weak, the knights roam the land settling disputes as wandering judges on behalf on the crown while the laymen of the order serve as watchmen within the four towns of the crown. Wardens: A group of wanderers that answer to no man but protect any who enter the lands not protected by the Justinians. Mostly rangers who hate the humanoids who still raid the lowlands and people who live on their own and know the important of help other in the less inhabited lands. The Academy: Both a university in coronet and a organization dedicated to the search for knowledge. Royal guard: The standing army of the Queen, a mix of guardsmen and idle nobles who guard the city of coronet and run errands for the royal family. The scavengers guild: The organized miners, treasure hunters, and merchants who stand opposed to taxation on mining and exportation of gems, metals and magic items. Often refereed to as the Smugglers Guild. The Harbor Patrol. A small navy that sails the pearl and protects Port royal from pirates, they are also in charge of the export tax. The Patrol is funded by the taxes they collect and they are traditionally led by a Justinian knight. The privateers. A collection of treasure hunting ships who search the smaller isles, armed fishermen and mecrchantmen, and a few true privateers who make some money by singing papers to capture smugglers in return for the cash value of their cargo and ships. Since smugglers only lose their ships, while privateer lose their lives for smuggling their is surprisingly little corruption. Redmen: Human and half-orc descendents of the Red knight who escaped captivity and have waged a guerrilla was against the Narrovains for centuries. The Redmen don’t know quite what to make of the new nation. The Redmen make them selves with red warpaint, tattoos, or red cloth depending on their tribes. The Keepers: Pure Blood Narrovians who keep the memory of their nation alive. Assassins, thieves and terrorists who used their race as a excuse for their acts. The Brotherhood of the Skull: A tight orginazation of pirate who savage the water or the isles.
- On Saturday, 09-Sep-00 19:15:26 EDT, The old ones said
- The old Civilization: The Gnome Bard Earnhart was one of the nine and he has spent most of the last century studying the old culture. The old one had no know written language so his conclusion about them are based on his observation and theory. The old ones were man shaped with a addition set of arm set behind and above the first which would have been lower and more forward then a mans, the old ones had large round eyes set more to the side of their heads then most, which may have mad them rather far sighted. They had no visible ears, but the stubby flared horn on the top of their head may have served the same purpose. Their mouths were filled with shape teeth including two long fang on the lower jaw which projected far over the upper face, far too far to be practical in chewing food, the sharp teeth suggest that they were carnivores, or possibly even blood drinkers. Stature have show that they veried in size from anywhere between 4 to 9 feet in height, although the great difference in size suggests that there may have been in fact two or more races of the old ones ( other sages have suggested that the old one grew thought their life cycle accounting for the size difference). The old ones mostly lived under ground so most of their cities were buried or destroyed in the cataclysm, except for ceremonious structures which survived aboveground because of their being mostly made of stone. At some point 20,000 years ago a vast explosion centered on the ruins on which Coronet are built on, destroyed the old one, blasted the lands around coronet flat, destroyed the minds in the mountain around the Crown and blasted the lands around the Crown into a vast collection of islands. Evidence suggests that the old one ceased building anything but magical weapons during the last 20 years before the cataclysm, these weapons were often enchanted to do more damage to outsiders, suggesting an extra planer invasion. Curiously, coronet was undamaged by the explosion, its believed that the aftermath of the cataclysm during which air would have been pulled away from coronet to fill in that which was destroyed by the cataclysm is what killed the inhabitants of Coronet.
- On Saturday, 09-Sep-00 19:14:44 EDT, Geography said
- Geography: The isles: A collection of islands covering a area about the size of north America. The Isles lie east of the middle kingdoms about twice the distance between America and Europe. A cold current goes from the old country to the upper part of the isles and right into the Crown. A warm current flow below the isle and to the south of the old country. The isle stretch about as far north as that start of Canada and as far south as the upper part of brazil. The isles North of the Crown are sparse and rocky. The isles to the immediate south east and west of the crown are small with tall peaks and inhabited by small groups of wildly varying tribes making then unsafe for colonization. The Isles to the far south are larger and more tropical, some small colonies spring up their, but the smaller traffic in armed ships make them pirate bait. Skullport: A underground city on a unknown isle that is supposed home port of the pirates of the isles. The Crown: A large isle surrounded by mountains The mountains form a natural barrier with few safe harbors for ships to take on cargo, making the large bay to the south called the Pearl the only real place to land. The crown is about the size and location of new England, the midwest and the upper half of the south. A cold current in the north and the mountain shielding it from most sides keeps the weather fairly cool in the north half thoughout the year, while the southern half is open the semi tropics of the south. The Crown is marked by the four large mountains in its chain. Snow capped Diamond in the north is the tallest and most inhabited by humanoids tribes, it also has the highest number of surviving ruins. Ruby lies to north east, Ruby is still a active volcano and is the richest in gemstones, notably rubies and opals. Opal lies to the south east has relatively few tribes living in it. Emerald lies to the north west and is the center of activity for raiding tribes. Sapphire lie to the south west and is the most active spot for smuggling. To the south is the large bay called the pearl, the pearl is lined small villages who farm and ship their produce to Port Royal. The Crown was shaped by a large explosion in the distant past, the explosion created a flat area in the middle while pushing the surround mountain even higher, the rivers that flow down from the mountain tend to collect at the end of the flatlands forming the twin rivers call the Torc. The Torc tend to wander each year and floods the farms and estates that border them, this also makes it difficult to bridge them. Port Royal: The only city of note when the Narrovians ruled, it is build on the ruins of a old one port and incorporates their old structures into itself, notable their huge dry-docks. The city is large and a center of trade, as well as housing a naval base. The city is surrounded by Small estates owned by idle nobles. The city depends strongly on food shipped in. New arrival to the isle will naturally end up here making the docks a popular recruiting place for adventurers. Coronet: The old one used this plateau as a holy place, most of the above ground structure were for worship not living in, the old one them selves lived in a series of room and passages carve out of the plateau itself. When Verstraad took this place as his stronghold he build a vast palace around the bones of the old ones temple and turns there city below into a vast fortified dungeon for holding his experiments. Now the plateau serves as a capital for the nation of the Crown, a home for its royal family, and the ground for the Academy. As a city Coronet is sparcly populated, althought the surrounding area is home to many scholors and farms serving the city and the Acanamy. Gypsum: A large unfortified village that serves as a center of trade for the scavengers guild and adventurers who work the north east. Although unfortified, the unorganized nature of the local tirbes and the high population of homicidal adventurers armed with magic items defurs would be raiders. Shale: A large fortified town that serves as a center of trade for the north west. The Dwarf Sargon rules here, he has allowed the Justinians free reign , but he has never acknowledge the rulership of Queen. What little organization the Wardens have is centered here.
- On Saturday, 09-Sep-00 19:13:52 EDT, The Nine said
- The Nine: Bree Clarn: A human warrior who younger sister was kidnapped by Narrovian sea raider. She assemble a group of adventers to rescue her sister and return again and agian to free all of the Narrovian slaves and kill Versraad. She then took up Verstraad’s crown and declaired her self Queen. She died 30 years back after all life extending magics fail. Her daughter Arian now rules as queen. Justin: A Human palidin dedication to protecting the weak and avenging wrong doing. He was facinated by the Red Knights and came on the expedition to search for was became of them as well as the chance to destroy the Raiders. Died of old age. Spent his time after the defeat of Versraad founding his own knightly order the Justinians. Renard Illumina: A priest of Rasun, the god of light, knowledge and magic. Came on expedidtion on invtation of Bree and staying to help found the nation. One of the founders of the acanamy. He was called up by his god. Sargon. A dwarf warrior exiled from his people for slaying a kinsman. Sargon came for the chance for glory and wealth. He still lives as the lord of Shale. Minos: A human ranger who came on the expedidtion in hope of impressing Bree. He stuck around for while after the defeat of Verstraad and founded the Wardens, after the wedding of Bree and Frantisamen he returned to the middle kingdom and was not here from again. Neron: A halfling rouge who came along for wealth and got it. He retired back to the middle kingdom after spending a lifetime gaining riches as a merchant. He died and was buried in a strongly defended tome which was neather the less robbed by his own grandchildren in less then a month. Frantisamen: One of the original elven exspolrers who came along when Bree asked for his help. He later married Bree and has since retired to secluded studies. Earnhart: A gnome bard who came along to find out just where it was that the Narrovian had gone. He has since then spent his time studing the Old ones civilazation. One of the founders of the Acanamy. Carn: A half Elven Druid who came because the Narrovians had to have come from some land to the east that the druid knew nothing about. He stayed to serve as a spokesman between the new nation and the land. Still alive and the head of the druids now living in this land.
- On Saturday, 09-Sep-00 19:13:18 EDT, Setting said
- The Broken Crown: A quick start DnD game, role-playing encouraged, but the adventures will be concentrating on action and gaining levels from killing things so you can take their treasure. I will be using 3ed rules, the game starts with the players wandering the docks of Port royal with everything they own on thier backs and looking for work and or excitment. Setting. 800 years ago: A evil nation of Narrovia was defeated in its attempt to conquered the middle kingdom. Narrovia lands were devided between the conquering nation and it people scattered. Prince Verstraad, the last member of the royal family of Narrovia and a group of his followers took a to the sea in the last days of the war and set sail on the north current sailing into unknown waters. 600 years ago: Sea raider in black ships began arriving on the south current. The raider had humanoid crews and were led by humans who looked and spoke Narrovian, a language and people who had long since faded into history. The raided would take slave and plunder before sailing north to be pulled away by the north current. The raider come every few years but their numbers are too small to warrant a major expedition to track down their homeland. 400 years ago: The number of sea raiders has increased each year until their earn the wrath of the Red knights of Agrainia, a order of knights dedicated to destroying evil. The knights sail into the north current with 27 ships and are never seen again. 240 years ago: A group of elven adventurers set sail on the north current, they return four years later with tale of a vast collection of isles inhabited by feral races of humanoids and one large isle surrounded by mountain on all sides except one harbor in the southern end. The elves discovered that the large isle called the Crown is the home of the raiders and that all of the isle are home to a series of ruins which belonged to the long lost inhabitants of the isles. 120 years ago: Nine adventures set sail to destroy the raiders, during their 7 voyages to the isles they gain in skill, power and aquired a vast collection of magic items. They discover that Prince Verstraad had become a Lich and has indulged himself by enslaving the humanoids on the land for his experiment in breeding a perfect warrior race for his return to the Middle kingdom. Despite his spells, his loyal marmadukes, and his collection of old magics, Verstraad is killed by the nine and his crown is taken by Bree Clarn who declares herself ruler of the isles. Now: The Crown is mostly civilized around the seaport Port Royal and the capital Coronet, The mountains surrounding the Crown are still inhabited by hostile humanoids and Narrovians who refuse to swear fealty to the New queen. The mountains of the crown hold the veins of precious metals, the gems and are the most likely spot to find ruins of the old ones. While adventurous type are welcome to take any treasure they want in the mountains, the government has a fairly stiff export tax for those trying to leave the isle with their booty, making smuggling a popular crime.
- On Monday, 04-Sep-00 20:06:38 EDT, Steve said
- I don't have a preference - I think the current game is fine, but if you want to change, I can understand that too - it can be very frustrating to have the players order mushrooms <G>.
- On Monday, 04-Sep-00 09:36:49 EDT, JOe said
- Okay the Orininal game was gonna be a series of tests of a bunch of dead guy to see if any would choose to be evil or even just choose to give up thier own freedom of choice to another. those that choose the left hand came back as harrowed under its controll over the years, every one else came back alive 13 years later. I can start running deadlands again with game going on to deal with the various nastiness the left hand been up to over the last 8 years or so, or I can drop the whole game and run something else, what if any are the player opinions?
- On Thursday, 13-Jul-00 16:32:34 EDT, Professor Grimaldi said
- I've discounted this as a potential theory, particularly since the young lady still appears in the vision despite her departure to the tender hands of Professor Meeks. I did find it interesting that the Colonel was aware of Meeks and his work and appeared to consider him a friend or ally. It leads me to believe we are being subjected to some kind of test of our will. I believe that as long as we can find the strength to say no to these individuals, we may yet survive.
- On Thursday, 13-Jul-00 16:30:09 EDT, Hunter said
- Ya'd think so, 'sept the part where the fella shoot lightnin' from his hands...
- On Friday, 30-Jun-00 00:46:49 EDT, Professor Grimaldi said
- I've been giving some thought to the dreams we've been sharing. Is it possible that we are seeing not the past, but the future?
- On Friday, 09-Jun-00 12:23:48 EDT, Steve said
- Thanks, I appreciate the help...
- On Thursday, 08-Jun-00 08:51:53 EDT, Steve D. said
- Hey, if you haven't done so yet, please fill out your character description. I'm going to try to write it up, but there's little chance of that when I only know my own name. (Well, I also know Mook's name, but that still ain't much).
On Tuesday, 06-Jun-00 14:36:46 EDT, Ardale Johnson (Tim) said- My Cousin said he has a job lined up for me at the Golden Feather Casino in Rapids City. All of the Gold miners can't loose thier money fast enough.
On Tuesday, 06-Jun-00 00:43:57 EDT, William of Cleveland said- I believe I've got a job as an accountant for the Dickinson Metal Works out in Machin.
On Monday, 05-Jun-00 22:05:07 EDT, The Conductor said- The setting will start off reminessant of a twilight zone episode, youll know you were on a train heading west, but your a bit hazy on the name of the rail line, and possible even why you were heading west in the first place.