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Star Wars

A disturbance...


More character creation!

A disturbance in the Force I sense...
From where?
There! A team to investigate you will send.
Everyone is currently on assignment master.
the Hurglic you should send. To prove himself is he eager.

Koubla, I've got a mission for you...

Player's Perspective

Koubla tries out for the Jedi and once again, no one wishes to take him on as a Padawan learner. They do, however, have a mission for him. One of their spies picked up on something weird going on on a backwater world. Since then they've felt a disturbance in the Force from roughly the same place. They'd like Koubla to organize a team to investigate. If needed, they can provide a ship and some backup. Koubla readily agrees.

Ship guy is off on a mission for the secret masters and can't be reached when Koubla comes looking. Boz is hanging out in a bar trying, unsuccesfully to find a girl. He has met Soldier-boy though and suggests his skill with a blaster might come in handy. Koubla, sensing that Boz is less than a crack shot, agrees. The three meet up with Maddox, an enigmatic soldier with his own ship who agrees to fly them there and provide some cover. He also tells them that they're investigating some local cultists who've suddenly gone all survivalist on their neighbors.

The planet is primitive, relying on slugthrowers and fossil fuels. There is a single unmanned spaceport. The group docks next to the only other ship in the port, a small Durasian transport. They head to town in Maddox' skimmer and Maddox suggests they split up to gather information from the locals. He heads in to one bar and points everyone else at another.

The trio heads for the bar but Boz is distracted by a shiny swamp buggy and begins checking it out. The other two enter the bar and Koubla asks the bartender about guides and equipment for a hunting trip he's planning. Soldier-boy notices a girl noticing Koubla and approaches her. Witty banter ensues and Soldier-boy is left alone at the table, wondering what went wrong when she departs. He also notices 4 Durasi at a table mocking him. He chooses not to kill them.

Meanwhile, the swamp buggies owner has returned. Boz makes some appreciative noises about the buggy and gets to hear it purr for a while. He talks to the owner a bit about the mountains and find out they've only recently turned nasty and that they've got a few off-worlders with them. They get supplies and sometimes passengers from the Durasian ship on the pad. Their terrain is clearly marked and they mean no trespassing.

The other two come out and all three head for the spaceport. Boz breaks into their ship and hacks their computer. They arrived from a planet called Heimdall, which is in wildspace. All their other jump logs have been deleted, which is kind of unusual. Their manifest shows only food and two cases of farm tools. Boz makes some adjustments in their take off sequence and exits the ship just in time to see the local police arriving. He hides out in Maddox' ship while Koubla and Soldier-boy narrowly avoid arrest.

While Boz hacked the ship, they attempted to hack the computer. Things went reasonably well, except Soldier-boy chose to ignore repeated warnings from the maintenance droid that he should leave and authorities were notified before he got any good information. Koubla used his Jedi powers to avoid arrest and the cops wound up giving them a ride to town. They met up with Maddox and all three were joined by Boz a few minutes later.

Notes are compared and the two soldiers decide to go take a look at the facility. Their recon reveals a messenger has alerted the camp they are getting a visitor the next day and many will be leaving. They decide immediate action is necessary.

Boz climbs to the roof of a low building and sabotages the power droid before taking up a sniper position. Maddox also takes up sniper detail, although his light repeating blaster makes him much more effective than Boz' light blaster.

Koubla and Soldier-boy enter the "temple" building and immediately encounter the woman from town who seems to be one of the leaders (if not the leader) of the cultists. A fight ensues and she is badly hurt before making a break for it. She does reveal that she has some skill with the Force before making good her escape on a hidden speeder bike. Many of the cultists are killed and the rest scattered by Maddox' laser fire.

The group recovers a number of artifacts from the temple and Koubla sets the buildings on fire. Boz manages to recover the Power Droid and a large number of blaster rifles, which he hopes to sell on the black market. They board Maddox' ship and head for home.

The Loot

7 blaster rifles resale value 1/2 book price
1 power droid resale value 3/4 book price
4 stun gernades
1 onyx idol worth 100 credits
400 credit each for doing the job


Character This Adventure Total XPS Notes
Koubla Vasa 1,500 4,500
Boz Zodek 1,500 4,500
Soldier-boy 1,500 4,500
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