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Star Wars

Lara Who?


Uncertain that they want to be known as "That Gun Running Jedi and his pals" the group starts looking for a new line of work.

Player's Perspective

The players leave the planet taking along Wolf, who wants to see the stars and Valin who didn't want to wear a collar for the rest of his life. They return to Coruscant with a book and some questions. Kubla asks about translations and has very little luck, but does get some guy to agree to try.

Later, a friend of that guy contacts Koubla and offers him a job on an archaelogical dig. There's some discussion, but basically this archaelogist has discovered a previously unknown planet and wants to look around. He hires the 'hawk and her crew to take his team and supplies and then to provide some support as needed.

They agree and blast off for the planet. The atmosphere is heavily ionized and very windy, making sensor use difficult. The ship lands only to find they've picked a soft spot that collapses on them and they are buried in miles of tunnels.

They explore finding some very old snubfighters and a decrepit transport. Boz and Soro help dig while Kubla goes exploring. After a while he returns and the three go to a spot where he's sensed a disturbance in the Force. They eventually find a giant crystal suspended over some dead guy.

He turns out to be a jedi ghost who attacks when they remove his ring. None of them can harm him, but Soro takes off running with the ring while Kubla and Boz follow. They fire numerous shots at the huge gem and eventually send it crashing into the tomb, but the ghost remains.

He disappears, they're attacked by some robots and they return to the ship. Unbeknownst to the others, Soro has put on the (one) ring and is now possessed by evil.


Character This Adventure Total XPS Notes
Wolf 0 4,500 What do you mean I must stand on bamboo to become a Jedi? What's bamboo?
The GotShot Pilot 0 3,500 err, I mean Hotshot.
Owen Cage 0 6,000 Shouldn't that be Johnny Cage?
Koubla Vasa 1,000 8,650
Soro Suub 1,000 4,650
Boz Zodek 1,000 9,050
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