Accidental Heroes
Highway to...


The Skiller Place
Will they return?
Only if the sun rises.
Yep, order me one of them Shotguns too
You sure are buying a lot o' guns Mister, you fixin' to go to war?
Somethin' like that.

  Adventure Summary

Surprising no one, the posse heads back out to the Skiller place taking along a few reinforcements. On their way out they bump into the shaman Diving Hawk, who is still in the area trying to rescue his friend Aubrey. He warns them of an ambush ahead and the group leaves the trail.

Sneaking up on the outskirts, they split into two groups. One group will take the farmhouse, the other will go after the Revival tent, which appears to be in full swing. Most of the posse and a couple of their new friends are going after the house, the rest are going to ride into the revival tent.

Disaster strikes almost immediately. Someone in the house hears or sees them and opens fire with a gatling gun. Hector appears to be his prime target and things aren't going too well for him. The others try to close on the house while Frank and two of their gunmen start shooting at the turret atop the house.

The gods smile upon Hector and he manages to survive long enough for Frank to clip the rooftop sniper with a lucky shot. The three of them, Hank, Hector, and Frank, stay on course to take the house.

The rest of the group moves up on the tent. The gunshots of the other group haven't gone unnoticed and the tent is now guarded. A half dozen freaks are standing outside the tent, from inside, the “parishoners” are being whipped into a frenzy by Skiller. The posse and their cronies begin firing on the freaks, most of whom seem to be armed with nothing more than clubs.

The hail of bullets is impressive and the freaks are slowly being whittled down. Unfortunately, things become slightly more desperate at that point.

Thundering hooves from the East betray the arrival of the Gaunt Man and his security team who have now realized the posse escaped their ambush and are charging into the valley to set things right.

It's a little late though and Hector opens fire with the gatling gun and Frank and the rubes level their rifles. Within minutes most of the Gaunt Man's friends are lying dead on the ground and the posse is holding most of the cards.

Meanwhile, back at the tent, the posse was laying down a withering barrage of gunfire when they heard the sounds of the approaching gunmen as well. Crowe, concerned that the battle might turn on them, fired several shots at the cross which adorned the front of the temple. Kincaid joined him and they managed to destroy the unholy relic which held most of the parishoners in its sway.

When the posse rushes in, guns blazing, to polish off Skinner, he uses some kind of black magic mumbo jumbo to envelop the front of his makeshift temple in darkness, then disappears, taking several members of his flock with him. A disappointed Crowe announces “It's over” to the confused congregation.

The Gaunt Man is stunned when Aubrey James suddenly shoots him in the back. When the rest of the posse turns their weapons on him, he is flung from the saddle like a rag doll. As the group charges over to make sure he's dead, his body slowly melds into the earth. Frank fires several shots at the dirt, but the Guant Man appears to have escaped them once more.


Lost 'em.