Accidental Heroes
People do go both ways...


On the range
Well, what happened?
There was a shootout and that Kinkaid fella killed Dalton.
Hmmm. Let's see if Mr. Kinkaid can help us. I'm sure his gun is for sale
In town
Now Alice, why don't you tell us what happened?
I... I... I don't want no trouble

  Summary of the Adventure

The posse is spread out all over the area of Willoughby but they all wind up together for church, along with members of both the Baruda and the Sothers outfits. The preacher delivers a sermon entitled Love thy neighbor but it has little effect on the warring factions

Following the sermon, Charle and Neville take exception to Zeke having imbibed during the service. They also point out that with Dalton out of the way, it's high time for them to shoot Kincaid. When Kincaid proves unwilling, they turn to the JT for a little action. After Charlie spits on him three times to provoke a fight the Marshall intercedes

The marshall sends the Sothers crew home, then tells Kincaid he should go to Laramie to get his reward money. While the posse sits in the saloon pondering what to do next, Baruda offers them a job as "regulators". With Dalton dead, he and his family are going to be easy pickin's for the Sothers boys. After he explains his side of things, most of the posse decides to join up with him.

The judge arrives in town and promptly acquits Edgar since Alice and her family have moved on. He orders the marshall to tell everyone that Edgar is acquitted and buy him a drink. He also delivers the message that he'll be deciding the water rights issues at 9:00 am the next morning

The posse, less Virgil and Cletus heads out to Barudas', although Shiwana trails the group and begins scouting the land. Meanwhile, Cletus and Virgil are fired by Sothers when it turns out they aren't bloodthirsty enough for his tastes.

Not knowning what else to do, Virgil suggests they ride out to Barudas' and meed up with Zeke. Not long after they leave, the rest of Sothers' men begin pursuit.

The three of them set up an ambush for the pursuers and when the smoke cleared, Charlie and Neville were dead and the fight was out of the other four. They tied the two in their saddles and sent 'em home

In the morning, Sothers didn't even show up for court and Baruda won in a walk. He arranged for the group to get paid in Laramie.