Accidental Heroes
Sheriff's Watchin'


Somewhere in Laramie
Which way did they go?
They went north
You tracked them there, right?
Well... most of the way
Most? Did you say most?!

  Adventure Summary

The posse returned to the town of Laramie not sure what would happen with the Sheriff. He had been in the employ of the Gaunt Man and was part of the plot. To help avoid difficulties, Hector decided to stay out of the town.

Once they entered town, the posse set about their business. Armando arranged for laundering Crowe got his clothes altered, a few went shopping, a few went drinking, one of them even took a bath, and Zeke took his jug out to the Professor's place hoping to meet him.

The first surprise came when the mayor offered Kincaid the job of interim sheriff. Kincaid agreed and promptly appointed a couple of deputies. He then went out to arrest Professor Cliburn for kidnapping and attempted murder. When he arrived at the professor's house, he discovered that Armando was already there, trying to work some sort of deal with the Professor. The arrest went pretty smoothly, although Cliburn insisted he was innocent.

While Kincaid held the professor for questioning, Zeke continued to watch the house. Kincaid deputized Crowe and sent him out to search the place.

Cliburn's housekeeper refused to let Zeke and Crowe into the house and began shouting "rape" in an effort to get help. Kincaid and the rest of the group, aware of Crowe's proclivities, came to investigate the commotion. when the housekeeper continued to be uncooperative, Kincaid arrested her.Crowe's search turned up whirligig plans and plans for mining robots similar to those they'd seen in the mines.

Confronted with this evidence, the Professor claimed the robots were of a standard design. Kincaid grilled the housekeeper and eventually, she told him that the Professor had built another whirlibird and sold it to someone, but she wouldn't say who. Kincaid released her on her own recognizance.

Armando volunteered to escort her home. On the way, they stopped to see Judge Parker, an old friend of the Professor's. He came down, spoke with Kincaid, and agreed that the arrest was probably justified. He did ask that, given his standing in the community, he be released to await trial. Kincaid and his deputies reluctantly agreed.